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Tee was looking at the personal belongings of the deceased girl without really knowing what he was looking for.

Something  had been telling him from the start that it had not been a simple crime, that is was related to their serial killer in some way.

But he hadn't been able to find anything... yet.

The only think that he was sure about is that someone had wanted that boat to sink and, without a doubt, had succeeded.

"But who?" The young man asked himself as he looked back at the few personal effects the girl was carrying around, "who would want to see her dead?"

- "Tee, could you tell me again what we're looking for?" - asked a young researcher who, with the plastic glasses on and the gloves already in place, was waiting for her team leader to begin giving his first orders.

- "Any small detail that looks strange" - replied the young man as he finished putting on his own rubber gloves - "anything that attracts your attention, no matter how".

After which, and with a sigh of exhaustion, he turned back towards the objects  that were collected at the crime scene.

His eyes, immediately, settled on a ring that shone slightly under the light of the lamps.

A ring that had a beautiful engraving and a small inscription that, despite being partially erased, could still be read with some help from the magnifying glass.

For Mary with love,

From your Pierrot.


The character of the Italian Comedy?

- "This case is getting more complicated by the minute..." - the young man muttered while letting out a sigh.

However he had just said that when, to his surprise, one of the young researchers he had left at the girl's dormitory appeared through the main door of the large research room.

And.. the boy was running. 

In his hands there was a computer that the young man had stuck to his chest.

As if it was something sacred that he had to protect with his life.

"What the hell..."

Finally, Tee saw him stop in front of the closed door of his study module and, with ragged breathing, started to wait for him to say something or make a small gesture that indicated him that he had permission to enter.

Tee simply tilted his head slightly.

A few seconds later the boy entered and placed the laptop on the table.

- "Boss, I found something very strange in the victim's computer" - he said completely exalted.

Tee frowned.

"But ... had not the policemen come back from the university hours ago saying that everything had been collected?" He though, still looking at the small device, " then..how could it be that a new clue appeares now?"

- "The officers had overlooked it but ... look!"

And without saying anything else, the young man activated the laptop before the curious looks of the two researchers.

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