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Krist was waiting impatiently for the doctor to finish signing his hospital discharge certificate.

The young man, sitting in a wheelchair, drummed his fingers on one of the leather handles that covered the metal of the handholds while looking without blinking at his uncle, who was talking to the doctor.

"Why is it taking so long?" He asked himself after letting out a sigh of impatience.

The doctor, a middle-aged man in a white coat, was frowning as he denied, over and over again, with his head.

The doctor, a middle-aged man in a white coat, was frowning as he denied, over and over again, with his head

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I cannot believe that it can be this difficult to leave this place...", he thought as he cast a glance at Singto who, with a simple shrug, continued listening to his music with the headphones he had placed on his ears.

Meanwhile Arthit, who was not at all happy with the young man's departure from the hospital, nodded at what the doctor was saying with a frown and a worried look on his face.

The truth was that his uncle had tried, over and over again, to change his mind.

However, he had not succeeded.

As Krist, with a leg in plaster and a collar in the neck, had remained completely firm.

He wanted to leave ... and he wanted to do it that very day!

- "Krist ..."

- "No Singto" - said the young man without even letting him finish talking - "I want to leave ... I need to get out of here and back to school".

Singto sighed, clearly at odds with Krist's decision.

- "I think that, at least until you recover, you should go to the family mansion" - commented Arthit after returning with the signed certificate - "Singto can accompany you if he wishes ..."

Krist smiled and, making a slight gesture to Singto, told him to push off the chair.

- "I'm not going to lock myself in a house ... not again and much less now"

Arthit frowned.

- "Krist, it's dangerous to go back to that school, I think that ..." - the young prosecutor started to say as he walked a few steps behind them.

- "I do not think so" - Krist refuted while pressing the elevator button - "after all the person who tried to kill me is dead ... there is nothing to fear anymore...".


The doors opened and they entered occupying the little empty space that remained between several people and a stretcher, all of that while staying in complete silence.

Although, by Arthit's expression, Krist knew the conversation was not over.

That it was far from it.


- "Are you sure of what you're saying?" - Tae asked again as he walked around his office at the police station.

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora