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Tae knocked on the door of the room that the attendant had just indicated him.

For a few moments he thought that, as with Amelie, the boy would not be inside although, to be honest, a part of him was anxiously waiting for the girl to be with him since that would mean she was safe and that, what he had feared, had not happened.

A few seconds later, the sound of muffled footsteps made the inspector look up from the floor at the same moment in which a young man opened the door.

"Pack," Tae told himself as he watched the boy who appeared in Amelie's photograph and who had immediately been identified by the worried man in charge of the residence as a second-year student of economics.

- "Yes, what do you want?" - asked the boy that, for his wrinkled and half opened clothes , had just gotten out of bed.

- "I'm the inspector in charge of the case regarding Amelie's roommate, I need to talk to her but she's not in her room ... have not you seen her by chance?" - Tae asked as he watched the half-asleep expression of the young man.

The student, with a frown, shook his head.

- "I have not seen her since the death of her roommate" - he said with a worried expression on his face.

Tae sighed and, saying goodbye to the young man, he turned around and headed towards the elevator.

After entering and letting out a sigh, he pressed the button of the ground floor where Phana, as in the female residence, was checking the surveillance videos of the other night. Only that this time looking for the missing girl.

- "It seems he hadn't seen her since the death of her room mate... at least, that is what he had said to me" - he commented to the young man as soon as he arrived at the manager's office.

Phana looked up from the screen and, scowling, observed his companion and friend.

- "Well, then... something does not fit in here ..." - commented while pointing at the paralyzed image that was on the screen.

There, with her face partially covered but still recognizable, was the young woman they were looking for.

- "After the fall of Krist and the death of Matt a camera was installed on the emergency stairs" - said the middle-aged man in charge of the students, from his armchair in front of the desk - "the announcement has not yet been carried out".

Tae and Phana nodded, looking back at the screen.

- "Then she has been here ..." - Tae muttered as he pondered if it would be a good idea to go back to the young man's bedroom in order to face him.

Phana, as if reading his thoughts, shook his head.

- "Don't do it... it's much better that he doesn't suspect anything" - he said while letting out a brief ironic smile - "we don't even know if Amelie came to see him, besides ... I have a plan".

 I have a plan"

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