Ch. 2: Papers

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* RAIN's POV *

I was sleeping comfortably when I heard my phone ring. It was probably my mother, she had just left home to get to university. She probably had forgotten something. I picked it up.

- Mom, hey- I said.

- Mom?... umm... its Lei- a male voice said.

Who the fuck was Lei?

- Lei?- I asked, confused.

- Your new music tutor- he said.

- Ah, my mom's friend- I said. - yeah... about that. I'm really no good at all with any cord instrument. I suck. I would like to learn how to play the piano instead of the violin-.

- Y... yeah, sure. Lets set up a date and a place- he said. - so as to meet up and start our lessons-.

- Sure- I said. - what about tomorrow at 9 a.m.?- I asked. - we could use the campus' music room-.

- Perfect- he said. - see you tomorrow, then. Bye!-.

I hang up. That was totally unexpected. I was really expecting my mom to be the caller, not this Lei weirdo guy. My mother told me he was chinase... he did have a curious accent, but his english was pretty good. He certainly was rich enough to learn a ton of different languages and to assist to this prestigious university.

My mother works there as a biology teacher, but she doesn't get payed that much. Its enough to live, anyways.

I wanted to have a productive day. Maybe make some breakfast, or prepare dinner. I went to the kitchen and saw my mother's corrected tests laid on the table. Crap, she had forgotten them. I looked at my watch, it was the last day for her to turn them in. I picked them up and quickly called a cab. I rushed to the campus and ran towards the building. I tripped and fell. All the papers were on the floor and I was there, laying on the floor. I prayed for my heels to be okay. If they had broke then... what would I do?.

I stood up and I heard quick footsteps. It was a guy, a light brown haired chinase guy. I thought 'What if this is Lei?' but then I answered myself 'Theres millions of chinase guys in London, it could be anyone. AND... how could a music tutor be so hot?'. The guy picked up the papers and handed them to me.

He read one of them, it said 'Corrected by Mrs. Collins'. He looked at me and asked.

- Whats wrong with Mrs. Collins? Is she okay?- he asked.

- Oh... she just forgot this papers home and its the deadline for handing them in- I explained. - thanks... I have to go, bye!-.

I rushed to the building.

* LEI's POV *

Home, she had said. Perhaps it was the singer from France - Mrs. Collins's daughter, Rain.

She seemed to be very hurried, she picked up the papers and ran to the building. She was wearing high heels, I could see that one was broken. She walked as she could. I was trying not to laugh but it was hilarious to see the girl struggling to run.

* RAIN's POV *

My heel had snapped and I was still trying to run. I heard some quick steps. It was that chinase guy again.

- Um... can I help you somehow?- he asked.

I was just about to ask him if he could take the papers to my mother when he simply took them from me.

- I'll give these to her, sit there and wait for me- he said.

I was frozen. I watched him as he ran to the building holding the pile of papers. 'What a gentleman!' I thought. I walked to the bench and sat there. Waiting for him. I stared at my broken heel - this were my favorite shoes. Why on earth did I have to take them?!

- I think that can be fixed- I heard his voice.

I looked at him.

- I just gave them to her- he explained. - you must be Rain-.

I didn't know what to say. He was really handsome.

- Rain- I said. - nice to meet you-.

I slapped myself mentally.

- I'm Lei, your new music tutor- he said.

- So you are Lei!- I said.

I kinda knew that already but I was surprised anyways. He was too handsome to be my tutor... I mean, when you think about a tutor you think about an old man. Not a handsome young man.

- Well, I should get going- I said. - I'm sorry for causing trouble and thank you for the paper thing- I took out my phone and was about to call a cab.

- I'll give you a ride- he said.

A ride? What the heck?

- You got here by taxi, now let me give you a ride- he said.

He simply stood up and walked to a car. I followed him. He opened the passenger's door for me, I got in and thanked him.

- Where do you live?- he asked.

I told him my address.

- You don't have to do this, really. I can call a cab and...- the engine started.

- Seatbelt- he said.

I put on my seatbelt. I couldn't stop staring at him. He seemed to be so introvert... so mysterious. I was really looking forward to get to know him.

What secrets could he be hiding?

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