Ch. 32: Life's Plan

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* RAIN's POV *

- That was certainly a very original idea...- I said. - I imagine Shancai's confused face-.

He laughed.

- Hi there, you two- said Xiaozi, from behind. - wanted some fresh air, love birds?-.

We both smiled.

- Yes indeed- I said.

- You do look great together- she said. - you met in London, right?- she asked.

I nodded.

- I used to live in France... I came back and I found him- I said. - who is actually my piano teacher... that's how we really met-.

He smiled.

- You forgot about that class- he said.

- Don't blame me... it was all on the jet lag- I said.

He laughed.

- Aww... you are so cute!. Anyways, I came to tell you that everyones gathering up to have a snack- she said. - you should come too-.

We nodded and followed her. There was a table full of food I had never tasted before. I looked at it... trying to figure out which of them was more appealing. Lei put some kind of biscuit on my plate.

- You'll like it- he told me.

I took a bite. It was delicious. Xiaozi offered us some tea which's name I can't recall. I tasted it - I hoped that it'd be a little more stronger but it actually tasted more like water. Anyways, I pretended to like it. I couldn't make Xiaozi feel bad. I have a pretty bad taste on teas. 

- You know that Thomas actually comes from France?- Xiaozi told me.

- Really?- I asked. - how did you meet then?-.

They both smiled.

- I met Xiaozi while walking... her scarf got tangled up on me and that's when I saw her- he told me. - it was love at first sight-.

Xiaozi blushed.

- I'm British but I lived in France for some time. I was a "well-known" singer there- I told them. - but I had to start over in London. Life's plan was for me to meet Lei-.

Lei smiled.

- Once, in London, I got my wallet stolen and I had to pay for Thomas, Thomas's friends and Shancai's meal. We had to perform in front of everyone. Thanks to the tips we got enough money to pay for the meals- Lei said.

- So... Shancai and Thomas are friends?- I asked, a little bit confused.

- They met here, in China. And then again, back in London- Ah Si explained.

- Ah- I finally understood. - anyways, you all seem to be great together- I said.

- You finally made heartless Lei fall in love with someone- Ah Si said.

Everyone laughed.

I stared at Lei, who was smiling. I finally made heartless Lei fall in love with someone... well, Lei made me fall for him. That was a great advance given my... "other" experiences with love. I was so afraid to fall for him... but then I gave myself to love and felt it all consuming me. It felt way better than what I had thought. 

I gave life a second opportunity, I risked getting hurt but I didn't get hurt. It was the opposite. I found my someone... the one I had been looking for for a long time now. And god damn it, it felt amazing. 

- I did, huh?- I stared at Lei.

Lei held my hand.

- We'll get going. We have somewhere else to be. We'll be back soon, bye- said Lei.

Wait, what?. We didn't have anywhere else to be. Where was he taking me?. We got out of the hotel, we ran to what seemed to be a beautiful flower field. I was amazed by the beauty of the place.

- See, I've told you that I love you. But I must confess my feelings on a proper way- he said. I smiled. - when I first saw you my jaw dropped. You are beautiful. Not only from the outside, but from the inside. The way that you say things, the way that you think. It doesn't stop amazing me.  I love you because when I met you, I felt saved. I felt like this was my chance to finally be happy. You are my happiness, Rain- my eyes were full of tears. He was so sweet. 

I caressed his cheek with gentleness.

- And I want you to be my happiness forever- he told me. He bent over one knee and took out a little blue box. He opened it. It was a ring... he was... proposing?. - so, I know that this is rushing a little bit too much, but... would you marry me?-.

I couldn't believe it. He was there, offering me a ring. Wanting to be my husband... oh, I had imagined this previously. And if he was down on one knee, right now... well, it was life's plan. 

I was breathless... this was so amazing. I felt like I was dreaming or something.

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