Ch. 1: Escape From France

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* RAIN's POV *

I had been living in France for a long time. It wasn't until my boyfriend, Gerard, got so mad at me that he kicked me out of my house that I decided to go back to London. Gerard used to be a kind and a good man - but after his sister died, he simply became abusive. He told me to do things for him, I was just about to dump him when he got mad at me and kicked me out of my own house. I picked up my things and decided to go back to London.

My career as a singer seemed to be over. My job, my everything. I left it behind as if it was nothing. I had enough cash to purchase a plane ticket to get back to London, to go back home. My parents would surely be mad at me. They warned me that Gerard wasn't who he seemed to be. But I always make the wrong choices. What is wrong with me?.

I arrived home with almost no money. My parents were mad at me too, but they let me stay home anyways. They said that they were mad but being in love is like a sickness - and at the time when I was head over heels for Gerard I couldn't see his flaws. During my trip back home I had though about Gerard over and over again. I wished I could just forget him. I didn't love him anymore. I just kept forcing myself to cohabit with him because I hoped he would one day change. But he didn't. And I ended up hurt, as always.

All my love relationships always turn out the same. I end up hurt. Well, theres one exception. I had a childhood friend named Malcolm. We were high school sweethearts. That relationship never really ended. I just took off to France because I knew that I had better opportunities there. I think he learned to live with it, and so did I. 

- Darling, what are you going to do now?- my mother asked.

- I have no idea- I answered. - my career is gone. What do I do now?-.

- I met a guy who could perhaps help you- she said. - he is chinase, I believe. He plays the piano and the violin. You could maybe learn how to play the violin and sing along-.

- The violin?- I asked. - hell no. I'm crappy with cords. I could learn how to play the piano, though-.

- Anyways, I'll tell him to meet up with you- she said. - write down here your phone number, I'll give it to him-.

I took the piece of paper and wrote my phone number. Next to it I wrote 'Rain Collins'. 

- I'll look for him and give him this- she said, and smiled.

I tried to smile but how could I. Everything was messed up. My love life, my job. My family depended on my income. I used to send them money from my gigs. Now there were no gigs. 

Damn, everything was really fucked up.

* LEI's POV *

I woke up early. I didn't want to be late to class. I was now learning music history. I was suddenly interested in it so I signed up for a course at a local university. I met a woman named Mrs. Collins. She was the biology professor. She used to talk me about her daughter, who was a singer in France.

I checked my phone. There was a message from Ah Si. It was a video of him and Shancai. They said that they missed me and wanted to call me but I didn't answer. Probably because I had been busy with homework and student stuff. I told them that I was currently busy but that when I had free time I would call them.

I called a cab and got to school. I was arriving so early. I knew I would meet Mrs. Collins. She always arrives early. I sat down on a bench outside the building. Mrs. Collins noticed me and quickly came towards me.

- Lei!- she said. - its nice to see you-.

- Nice to see you too, Mrs. Collins- I said.

- My daughter, the France singer. Well... she had some problems and now she is here, in London. She gave me her phone number. She wants to maybe get some piano lessons from you. Could you do that for her?-.

Tutor? Me? A singer?

- O... okay- I said. - I'll call her-.

She thanked me and went inside the building. I stared at the little piece of paper. It had a phone number and a name written on it. 'Rain Collins'.

This was going to certainly be a new adventure.

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