Ch. 22: Flight

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* RAIN's POV *

We happily went to the Free Shop. It was basically my favorite place in the whole world, offers everywhere, cheap items. 

- Are your friends into whisky?- I asked Lei.

He nodded.

- Then, as a gift, I'll get them some Jhonny Walker- I said.

- You don't have to do that- he said. 

- Listen, first impressions are important. Apart from that, we'll be meeting them. Alcohol soothes the ambient and the awkwardness. Remember that I'm a stranger there- I said. - and I lack social skills-.

He smiled.

- I've never seen you drunk- he said.

- Oh, boy. I'm the most happy drunk person ever. I dance, sing. Who the fuck knows- I said. - once I ended up dancing on a table... and fell-.

He laughed.

- I could never imagine such a delicate, pretty woman dancing and falling from a table- he said.

- Well... I appear to be all delicate and womanlike... but sometimes, specially with alcohol, I get all... crazy- I said. - lets take two black Jhonnys. Apart from that I'll take some Bayleys... I don't like strong alcohol and I love liquors, so Bayleys will do-.

He helped me pick up some boxes and bottles.

- Now, Shancai you said... and Xiaoyou. Eyeliner?- he shook his head. - perfume?- he nodded.

I chose some perfumes for both of them.

- Well, nobody's left, right?- I asked.

He shook his head.

- Who?- I asked, confused.

I had memorized the names, it was impossible. I was not missing out on anyone.

- Us- he said. - I've never ever gifted you anything. What are you into?-.

- I hate receiving gifts... but if you insist- I said.

We stood up at a Swarovski stand. He stared at some necklaces. He pointed out one and asked for the price. Let me just say that it wasn't cheap. Lei asked the guy if I could try it on, it looked amazing.

- I get that you want to give me something, I love giving gifts to people, but really a booze bottle will do. You don't have to spend this much money- I said.

- Do you like it?- he asked.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled.

- We'll have it- he told the guy.

- Lei!- I said, and stared at him as he gave the guy his credit card. - crap, what do I gift you now?-.

- You must really love her- the guy said. I blushed. We had never ever talked about loving each other... even though I was indeed falling for him. - that necklace means and represents loving each other-.

- What are you into?- I asked.

I analyzed his look - what could be missing?. 


Damn it. 

- We shall pay and leave- I said.

I ran to one of the register thingys and I payed for the whisky and the Bayley's. I picked up some chewing gum and took all of my bags. We went to gate number 11 and were called as Preference Passengers. Were we traveling by first class? Holly crap, that was so exciting. I had never traveled by it... ever.

We went straight to our seats. They looked so luxurious. He chose the ones that were in the middle of the hallway, so as to call it. They were double seats. I sat on one and he on the other. I put away all of my stuff and the Free Shop bags. I couldn't stop staring at my necklace... the words "You must really love her" kept on replaying in my head.

- We are about to take off- Lei said.

- Shit- I said. 

He stared at me.

- What?- he asked.

- I'm afraid of take offs... and planes in general- I told him.

He pulled out his hand and held mine. I felt better. I squeezed it as we took off then I took a deep breath and stared at him, who was laughing. 

- Whats so funny?- I asked. - you are laughing at your scared girlfriend?-.

- Your face- he said.

- Shut up- I said. - I didn't get to buy you anything... anyways, I'll get you something in China-.

- You don't have to- he said.

- I like giving gifts to people- I said, smiling. - and you are one of my favorite persons so... you deserve a good gift-.

He smiled. 

* * *

Let me tell you the truth, remember when I told you I wouldn't sleep because I couldn't sleep on planes?. Well... I slept through the whole flight. I only woke up when the captain announced that we were descending to Shanghai.

- I hadn't slept so well in years- I told Lei.

He smiled.

- We are arriving- I said, on a sing-songy way. 

The place suddenly did some weird movement and I got closer to Lei. I hugged his arm tightly as the place went up and down. 'Its just some turbulence' I kept on telling my self, as I shut my eyes.

He stroked my hair.

- It'll be over soon... it always happens- he said, as he said that the plane went stable once again. - see?- he told me.

I took a deep breath.

- Thank you for lending me your arm- I said, smiling.

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