Ch. 14: Him

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* RAIN's POV *

We went down the stage and hopped on his car.

- Thanks- I said. - for helping me start over- I was smiling, I couldn't stop doing it. - in every sense-.

He leaned towards me and caressed my cheek, he was way closer than he had ever been. I blushed and at the same time I got lost in his eyes. His dark, mysterious eyes. I couldn't think of anything more than him. He looked at my lips and then went back to my eyes. He got even closer and kissed me. It was the first time I had kissed him - it was simply amazing. I can't put it in words. It felt like my day was complete, like everything was complete.

Our lips danced together, his kiss was soft but yet passionate. After it ended we looked at each other and smiled.

- Be my girlfriend- he said.

I smiled even more.

- Be my boyfriend- I said.

* * *

He drove me home. It was one of those quiet and peaceful drives. I smiled before getting out of the car. I bit my lip once again, it was almost involuntary. I kept on thinking about the taste of his lips. That kiss... if only I could rewind and repeat it all over again. Like a time loop. 

I waved and got into my house. I was all dancy - if thats even a word - and happy. My parents were surprised by my enthusiasm and asked why I was so 'strange'.

- I think its his effect on me- I said. 

- His?- my father asked.

Oh, right. He didn't know.

- Dad, Lei and I are a couple- I said. - we are dating... and we just kissed- I was smiling.

He was just about to say something when my mom shut him up.

- He is a good guy- she told him. - nothing like...-.

That comment again. Okay, okay. The kiss - keep on thinking about it. I smiled again and went into my room. No more explaining. If he wasn't okay with it... well... I'd have to deal with him. 

Crap, that sounded like what a serial killer would say. 

I meant that I'd have to convince him. I mean, Lei was a good guy. A great guy. 

I laid on my bed and started thinking about him. Who says 'started' says 'kept on' thinking about him. His look, his personality. His smile. Oh, gosh. He was so damn perfect. I almost forgot (because of thinking of him) that I was still wearing my dress and my heels. I stood up and threw my heels away, then I took out my dress and put on my "pajamas" - again, who says 'pajamas' says a big sweater and some shorts. I took out my jewelry, make up and laid again.

I took a deep breath. That applause, those people's faces. His smile.

Our kiss.

* * *

I woke up suddenly, I heard a sound. And no, it wasn't my phone ringing now. It was something else. Like a window-breaking sound. I hid under my covers, shaking. Was somebody breaking into our house?. I took my phone and called dad. I knew he was about a room away from me but I was too scared to get out of my room... or even my bed. 

- D... dad- I said, once he answered. - did you hear that?- I asked him.

- Yes, baby- he said. - I think somebody is inside the house-.

God, this was terrifying. 

- I'll get my bat and get of the room- he said.

- No, don't- I said, worried. - what if the person has a gun?... you can't get hurt... please, dad. Call the police- I was terrified. 

I heard my door opening. I gasped. I began to shake even more. The light of the bathroom was turned off - the darkness. That was one of my biggest fears. I couldn't stand the darkness. I just... couldn't. 

- Get out of bed- he said, in french. I recognized him immediately.

It was him, Gerard. I... I...

He pulled me out of bed. I was still shaking. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. This was even more terrifying than the fact that it was all dark. What would he do to me?.

I bit his hand, trying to resist him. He pulled off his hand and I screamed. 

- You bitch!- he said.

I was shaking. He threw me to the bed and leaned towards me. He was right on top of me, he was trying to kiss me as I resisted. I shook my head but he held it against the bed with his left hand. I felt out of breath. His lips were about to touch mine when I heard a hit and he fell next to me. It was my dad, holding his bat.

- Daddy- I said.

He turned on the light and stared at me.

I was still shaking.

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