Ch. 21: Goodbyes

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* RAIN's POV *

I got up and prepared breakfast. Lei helped me. I loved it when he helped me cook. As I said, two terrible cooks were better than one.

- Tomorrow we are leaving- I said, excitedly. - I'm so happy-.

- Its the fifth time I've heard that- he said, bored.

- Shut up. You say that because you've travelled the world and... well... I haven't. I'm excited to meet your friends- I said. 

- The part that excites me is showing you around China... I think it all excites me. But, unlike someone, I'm a good actor- he said.

I sighed. I put some pancake on the fork and stuffed his mouth with it.

- I'm a good one too- I said. - but... I'm a better cook, anyways-.

He smiled while chewed on the pancake.

- Is it edible?- I asked.

He nodded.

I took a bite. It tasted great. We high-fived. This time it had turned out great. I could proudly call this my masterpiece. 

The day went through very quickly. We went shopping, because Lei was in need of buying some new clothes. I helped him choose his outfits and in exchange I was repaid with a delicious ice cream and a kiss.

* * *

We went back home, straight to sleep. We had both agreed that we needed a good night sleep before traveling anywhere. I struggled to fall asleep, it certainly was the excitement. I woke up feeling like I needed to sleep more - I had slept like shit. Lei was beside me, he looked like he had just woken up. I smiled at him and jumped out of bed.

- I w... I need coffee... want some?- I asked.

He nodded in approval. I smiled at him and walked to the kitchen. I poured some coffee into a mug, drank it all and refilled it. I did the same with another mug. I handed Lei a mug and we drank our coffee peacefully.

The flight would be 11hrs and 20min long. Damn that was long. I can't sleep in planes so I hoped to find a good movie or something. 

The plane was leaving by eight a.m. so we had woken up at five a.m., so as to get to the airport at six. We were sitting on the bed while we stared at the sun, that was rising. It was amazing. How the sky's colors changed. From orange, to violetish and then to a bright yellowish. 

- I'm tired- I said. - but excited-.

He smiled.

I let my head rest in his legs. He stroked my hair as he drank his coffee. I had left my mug on the bedside table, two coffees were enough for me. I didn't want to exceed myself. Who knows what happens when my caffeine levels are high. 

We stood up and picked up our (I might say MY) luggage. We went by cab, so that we could leave the car here. We got to the airport. As soon as we passed through its door I could see my parents. We were holding hands.

- Crap- I said. - they really came. I didn't give a shit for them coming here... at six a.m.-.

They saw us and waved. We were going to check in as soon as possible. We'd have a nice, long hour to go through the Free Shop and maybe buy some alcohol - maybe their friends wanted some. I was planning on buying some Jhonny Walker for them... whisky is a classic. I'm not into it, but his friends had to. If they weren't into it then... well, they'd be into it. I could ask Lei.

We walked towards them. My mother hugged me. I felt like I was being squeezed to much.

- Mom, let me go, please- I begged her, while being almost choked.

- Hi- my father told Lei. 

- Hi, Mr. Collins- he said. 

My mother and I both stared at them. My father had always been that typical type of over protective, serious father. He judged every and each of my boyfriends (not that I've have had THAT many). I got to Lei before things turned too awkward.

- Dad, we have to go now- I said. - goodbye-.

I hugged him as he kept on staring at Lei. 

- Umm... lets go, then- I held Lei's hand. - before everything gets more awkward- I mumbled.

- Goodbye, Mrs. Collins and Mr. Collins- he said, waving.

My mother waved back, my dad was just there. With a straight face.

- Have a nice trip!- my mother said.

We were getting further from them as we were about to check in. There was no one. Thankfully.

- Take care! - she yelled.

- Hurry up before she gets all emotional- they weighed our luggage and then made us go to another place. We showed them our tickets, passports and then they said that we could go.

- I'll miss you! - my mom yelled.

We waved and passed through the gate.

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