Ch. 33: Fire

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Warning: "Sexual" Content Ahead

* RAIN's POV *

- Yes, yes I do- I said, eagerly. 

He smiled and put the ring on my finger. I stared at him, I hugged him and then we kissed. Could this moment be more special?. The location was perfect, the moment was perfect. 

- Oh my god, Lei. I can't believe this- I said. - I'm way more excited than ever... I love you so much- I told him. - you are my happiness too. And I'm happy to now be your fiancé-.

- And I'm happy to be yours- he said.

Aww... I hugged him again. There was nothing in the world better than this. Wait... how would I tell my parents?. They'd freak out for sure. Where would the wedding be?... oh, god. I was starting to get anxious. I calmed myself and thought: 'Live the moment. Your boyfriend just proposed... you are getting married soon. Shut up and live the fucking moment'.

- Where are we getting married?- I asked.

Anxious me talking.

- Probably in London- he told me. - unless we do it here, in China. Both are fine to me. My friends can go over to London or if not your family can come over to China-.

- Yeah... China, my family... London is better. Anyways, let's enjoy this moment first and then discuss bridal stuff. I'm so damn happy!- I said. - we have to tell your friends...-.

- Yes, ma'am- he said.

- But first- I said.

I laid on the flower field.

- Mm... I'm sorry, I wanted to do this so badly- I said.

I got up and then we went back to the hotel. They were all siting down, as if nothing had happened. Oh, right. They didn't know that something had happened. I held up my hand with my silver (with some diamonds) ring. Everyone gasped and clapped.

- Two engagements in a day, holly shit- said Ah Si.

We all laughed.

- Congrats!- said Xiaozi. 

* * *

After a long day of saunas, hot springs and marriage proposals we went to our room. I couldn't handle my emotions. I wanted to call my mother.

- Rain. We need your parents' permission before we actually get married- he said. - so, after this three weeks, I'll ask them for it- he told me.

- Aww... I believe that my parents will not refuse. In London we don't usually ask for permission to get married, but if that's how you do it in China then we'll do it like that- I said, smiling. - well... I'm going to shower now. I'm truly exhausted-.

I took out my robe and went into the shower. I let the water run all over my body. I washed my hair with my shampoo and then put on my conditioner. I washed myself and then covered myself with a towel. I put on a new robe and got out of the bathroom. Lei was sleeping. I put on something like my pajamas and got into bed.

He looked so angelical. It was time for me to start calling him my fiancé, not my boyfriend. Oh, it sounded so unreal. I was waiting for me to wake up from this amazing dream. I couldn't stop staring at him. He was so handsome. 

- Why are you staring at me?- he asked.

- Oh... well, you are very handsome- I said. - I was just admiring your beauty-.

He laughed.

- Come here- he hugged me. - I love you- he whispered.

- Me too- I said.

We kissed each other deeply, our clothes were thrown to the floor. His fingers traced my body, I felt like I was being ignited. Fire was all over my body, it was being filled with passion. 

* * *

 Afterwards (meaning like in the morning) we heard some door knocks, but we didn't wake up. It wasn't until the person who was knocking, Xiaozi, entered the room that we woke up. I screamed and covered myself... I was naked. Lei stared at me, I didn't quite know what so say.

- Umm... could you get out?- I said. - not being rude or anything-.

Xiaozi got out while laughing. As soon as she closed the door we both laughed.

- God, that was so embarrassing- I said. - I'm putting my clothes on before she comes in again-.

I put on my robe again and went to the bathroom to comb my hair and brush my teeth. I got out staring at Lei, who had his robe on too. I smiled.

- I'm your fiancé- I said, on a sing-song way. I stared at the ring. It was so beautiful. - oh, god. Its high time I bought you something... I owe you a gift-.

- Save it for tomorrow- he said.

- Why?- I asked.

- Tomorrow is my birthday- he said.

- Oh, shit!. I need Xiaozi's help. And well, I should also ask Daoming Si. And Shancai. I can't take you to the mall... it'd be lame if you helped me buy your gift- I said.

He laughed.

I stared at his piercing dark eyes. He was my fiancé. Mine... completely mine. And we were going to get married soon. 

Married. Fiancé.

Such words I thought I'd never, ever use.

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