Ch. 45: Sweet China

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* RAIN's POV *

The plane arrived sooner than expected. We got out of it and saw all of Lei's friends, waiting for us. They ran towards me and hugged me.

- Are you fine?- Meizuo asked.

- I'm okay- I said. 

Shancai and Xiaoyou were struggling to tell me something, so Ximen helped them translate.

- Shancai asks about Gerard- he said. - what happened to him?-.

- Well, Gerard is still in France. We escaped- I said.

- You what?- he asked, surprised.

- Escaped- I said. - we casually met on a supermarket and... we flew directly to China-.

- You are more badass than you seem- he said.

I smiled. I turned back to see Lei, smiling. I went to him and hugged him. He was my happiness. And now, we were finally together once again. In this country that (opposite to France) brought me good memories of our wonderful trip.

- I love you- I mumbled. - and I'm so grateful to be with you once again-.

He smiled back. He held my hand and we walked towards our friends.

- We have to go to the police, to report Gerard- he said. - she was forced to legally marry him, and now he shall pay-.

I nodded.

- I... I'll talk to them about his violent attitude towards me, his threats and also this marriage piece of... sorry- I said. - so that I can get a divorce and then marry... the one- I stared at Lei and he smiled. - thank you all for your worrisome-.

- Anyways, we should get going- Lei said. - would you like to join us for dinner or something?-.

Everyone agreed that we should meet later on the evening, or perhaps tomorrow. Now, we were both going to take a shower and go straight to the legal forces. But before I would call my parents to tell them that me and Lei were fine. 

I thought about what to tell them... Lei told me that they ignored him while he asked for my location. And well... I don't blame them. If they had told him my location right away it would've been too risky... I was grateful that they were able to take care of what mattered to me the most. Because, as I said, I would suffer instead of seeing Lei getting killed.

* * *

I video-chatted my parents. We talked during the ride home as Lei drove us to his house. They told me that they were sorry; I replied with the same thing I was thinking about.

- It was the best thing you could do as my parents- I said. - you chose wisely. You knew that I'd give anything for Lei to be okay, and you respected my will. Thank you for that- I smiled. - I love you guys... please, be safe. I don't know how this guy is going to react, okay?. But meanwhile, go straight to the police and tell them all of this things. I know its illegal to lie to them, that's why I'll defend you... you won't get charged because of me-.

- Baby, that's the least important thing- said my mother. - are you sure you are okay?-.

- I am, mom. Don't worry- I said. - I have to go now, okay?. I love you guys, bye!-.

They waved as I hang up. I returned Lei's phone to him as we got out of the car. I smiled as I smelled this home-like scent. It brought back so many beautiful memories. Lei and I walked together until we got into the house. Once in, he hugged me again.

- I love you- he said.

I smiled.

- I love you too, Lei- I said. - and I will never, ever, ever let go of you again. Deal?-.

He laughed as I pulled out my pinky finger. Pinky swear is something deep and strong to me. Not only that it brings back childhood memories, but it is the most sincere and pure kind of promise ever. I don't know what I like so much about it.

He pulled out his and we did our magical pinky swear. 

- God, I'm hungry- I said. - do you have pancakes?-.

He shook his head as he went to the kitchen.

- I'll make you some- he said.

I tried to contain my laughter. 

- What?- he said.

- N... nothing... it's just... you are not that great of a cook, darling- I said.

- Sorry, Ms. Collins?- he asked.

I laughed.

- Well... you said it before, right?- I said, trying to save myself.

- Watch me do some pancakes, girl- he said. - if they turn out bad, I'll have them. Pinky swear-.

He pulled out his pinky and I pushed his hand off. He seemed confused.

- That's only for special occasions- I said.

He smiled.

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