Ch. 3: Home

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* LEI's POV *

I felt sorry for her so I decided to give her a ride home. She seemed to be an impulsive and determined girl. I was kinda looking forward to get to know her.

- Home- I said, once we arrived.

- T... thanks- she said. - I owe you one-.

She got out of the car and waved. I stared at her house. It seemed to be a tiny family home. She was wearing dark clothes, she had a septum piercing. She appeared to be an interesting person.

* RAIN's POV *

I went into my house smiling. This guy was really a gentleman. I took off my broken shoes and left them at the side of the door. My father had left to work, I knew that because there was an empty coffee mug on the dining table. I went into the kitchen... I knew that I was just about to start cooking when I rash to the campus. I took out my favorite recipe book and looked for a good dinner recipe. 

I chose to prepare some rice with veggies. It seemed easy to cook... thats why I chose it. I started cooking and finished pretty quickly. I tasted it and it tasted pretty good. I was proud of myself. 

I left it in the fridge and put on a post it to remind myself (and the others) that dinner was served. I went back to my bedroom and did my bed. I stared at my suitcase, I remembered something that had happened a long time ago. When I had just gotten to France.


I was carrying my suitcase, feeling happy because this was a new start. My room mate had told me that he'd meet me at the airport. I was anxious to get to know him. I checked my phone, in search of a message of his.

A guy walked towards me. He was smiling.

- Are you Rain Collins?- he asked, with a strong french accent. 

I nodded.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Gerard- he said.

I smiled.

 - - -

God, that was such a good memory. That was how I wanted to remember Gerard. A nice, cool guy who used to be my room mate and then became my boyfriend. Not the guy who lost his sister and changed into a total jerk - the guy I had to live for for a long time. This situation brought tears to my eyes. I was over him... or at least wanted to get over him.

I sat on my bed and began to cry. I felt empty, I felt lost. Why did he have to be like that? Why did it have to end so badly?.

I suddenly heard the door bell. I wiped off my tears as I could and walked towards the entrance. I opened the door to see Lei once again. I stared at him and smiled (if we could even call that false gesture smile).

- You dropped your phone in the car- he said.

- Oh... th... thank you- I said.

My whole body basically screamed "I'm dying from the inside!". I wanted not to cry, just not in front of him. I was about to close the door when he said.

- Are you okay?- he asked.

- I... I guess you could say that- I said.

I didn't know what to do or say. He walked into the house, as if it was his. 

- You have a beautiful home- he said.

- Thanks- I said.

I was confused but at the same time I didn't give a shit. I felt so bad that I didn't care.

- Your boyfriend left you, right?- he asked.

How the fuck did he know?. I nodded.

- Your mother told me that you were living in France with your boyfriend... now you are back here so I guess that your boyfriend left you- he said. - and you are heartbroken-.

I was just frozen.

- And bruised- he said. - tell me, Rain, did your boyfriend mistreat you?- he asked.

My heart dropped to the floor. It began to be difficult for me to breathe. Nobody knew, nobody was supposed to know. His insults and his hits were supposed to stay in France. I didn't want to bring them back. My eyes were full of tears.

I didn't know why, but I nodded. Tears ran through my cheeks and I felt transparent. I felt like I had a connection with this guy - he didn't only help me but he analyzed me.

* LEI's POV *

I felt the urge to ask. I knew that she was sad as soon as I opened that door. I could see that she was suffering from the inside - I knew that because I had suffered too. I empathized.

She was crying and trying to hold herself together. I wanted to hug her, but it was too soon. It would be awkward for her too.

I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me in the eyes. Her eyes were not only full of tears, but full of pain.

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