Ch. 52: C-section

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* LEI's POV *

The doctors took Rain to another room and asked me if I wanted to be there with her. I agreed, I would stay there to make her company and also to try and make it easier for her. I got into the room when they told me to do so, I sat by her head and caressed it.

- Its gonna be okay- I told her. 

She was kinda shaky.

- O... okay- she said. - we are having a baby-.

- Yes, we are- I told her. 

The doctors talked to themselves with that weird medical language only they understood. After some time, they got out peanut.

- Peanut...- she mumbled, without energy.

The baby didn't cry which made my nervous. It was the first signal of a baby towards the world... when her lungs filled with air, she'd have to cry. No cry meant no air. After some minutes the baby cried. I breathed again.

- Its okay- I told Rain, who was crying a little bit. - she'll be fine-.

I was asked to go out of the room and I did so. The doctors told me that the baby was stable and that she was taken care of. 

* * *

I was waiting outside for Rain to get out of the surgery room as I began to feel sleepy. It had been a long day today... but a happy one indeed. Rain was soon taken out of the room and put into a new one, where she would recover and, basically, start being a mom.

I joined her as soon as I could. She was laying on a bed, without energy. She was pretty drugged thanks to the epidural and a bunch of other stuff the doctors gave her. Still, she was conscious of her state and she asked for peanut.

- Where's she?- she asked, worried.

- She's fine, Rain. The doctors told me that they were examining her and stuff- I told her. - she's okay-.

- Its my fault- she mumbled.

- How could it be your fault?- I asked her, caressing her cheek.

Her eyes were full of tears and I could feel her disappointment. Her lips were shaking as she struggled to talk. It was not only the drugs but her sadness that made her struggle.

- I... I could've eaten healthier- she said. - and prevent this thing to happen to her-.

- Oh, no. Its not your fault, baby. This was meant to happen- I said. - it had to turn out this way... fate has a pretty wicked sense of humor. But still... she's recovering. She'll be fine-.

She nodded.

- She will be- she said, agreeing.

* RAIN's POV *

I closed my eyes, letting myself sleep. I felt guilty... this thing had happened inside of my body. I felt really bad. I was disappointed at myself... but he was right. I mean... this had to turn out this way. And she was recovering indeed.

Little did I know the great fighter she'd turn out to be.

I woke up after a while, Lei was sleeping on a couch next to me. I was hooked up to a bunch of new machines. I could feel a sharp pain on my abdomen. I pulled out the covers to see a big cut... it was the c-section's one.

- This will certainly leave a nice scar- I mumbled.

I stared at my stabbing scar... I remembered its story. How Lei saved me... it brought wonderful (and others that were not so great) to me. How he had managed to save me... he was always there for me. After our wedding, he even helped me study mandarin. He was the best professor ever. I keep on thanking him for that.

- Hi- he mumbled. - you are awake-.

I waved as I could.

- Our baby is doing great- he said. - though she lacks a name, she doesn't lack strength-.

- Oh, the name- I said. - gosh we still had some weeks to think about it-.

- I've thought about Yuan- he said. - it means «original»-.

- What about Ting?- I said. - its the only name I remember from that name book you bought. It means «enduring»... doesn't it suit her?-.

- Yuan Ting?- he asked.

I smiled. It sounded so perfect.

- Yuan Ting it is- I said. - its sound so... I don't know... it's... its the name-.

He smiled too and came towards me. He was going to hug me when the nurse interrupted us.

- Um... we have your little one over here, would you like to hold her?- the nurse asked, carrying a little portable crib.

I smiled. I was filled with joy as I saw my little Yuan Ting, sleeping there. So calm... so peaceful. I nodded as the nurse got closer. I couldn't wait for it.

It was time to hold her... for the first time ever.

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