Ch. 47: Whole Day

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* RAIN's POV *

I didn't really drink practically anything. It was just some whisky, so I wasn't even drunk. Lei, on the other hand. He was now the wasted one of the couple. He tried to dissimulate it... but it was noticeable. He seemed to be all dizzy and... well, drunk.

I hadn't imagined him drunk ever. He seemed to be a correct, self-controlled guy who (apart from having a high alcohol tolerance) wasn't that much into drinking. Anyways, after all the guys left I walked him to our bedroom. There he laid peacefully and fell asleep after mumbling some words I couldn't understand.

I went down to clean all the mess the guys had left. Empty bottles, dirty glasses. The maids took care of the cleaning but I helped them anyways. I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying but I still told them (with my odd Chinese I had learned from using the translator all the time) that I'd help them clean. After helping them I went back to the bedroom. I found Lei, sleeping calmly. I laid next to him and fell asleep.

* * *

I woke up feeling better than the previous day. I was going to tell Lei to wake up but I didn't see him. God, where had he gone?. I was going to reach out for my phone but then I remembered I hadn't got one. I ran down the stairs and got to the house phone. I dialed his number as quickly as I could.

I was scared that something had happened to him, perhaps Gerard had done something to him. All because I fell asleep and didn't protect him. God damn it, I had to be more careful!.

- Hello- Lei said. - what's wrong?-.

- God, you scared the crap out of me- I said. - where are you?-.

- Shopping for you- he said. - I got you some black eyeliner and some stuff the girl from the store recommended... also some clothes. I'm actually heading back home, I'll be there in five-.

- Okay- I said. - see you!-.

I hang up as I caught my breath. It had been a short but intense moment. I sat down on the sofa as I waited for him. He soon got home. The door opened and I smiled at him. He smiled back. He was holding a load of bags.

- Well, forget about the 'I don't have to pack anything' joke- I said as he laughed. - do I have somewhere to store everything?-.

- I'll lend you a suitcase- he said. - now, here you got-.

I smiled.

- You didn't have to buy me all this stuff... thank you- I said.

I picked up the bags as I ran to the bathroom. Time to get changed, to get some make up done and to feel me again. I covered up my bruised skin with some foundation, then I applied some eyeliner and mascara. I was beginning to feel like a person once again - like me, to be precise. Then I got changed into the outfit I liked the most: some black jeans, with black boots (that actually had roses on them, so I didn't look like I was going to a funeral or something) and a black blouse. So me.

I got out of the bathroom and saw a tiny suitcase outside of it. I picked up all of my stuff and stored it there. I zipped the suitcase and went down again. Lei was drinking some water and when he saw me coming down, he put down his glass.

- How do I look?- I said.

- Gorgeous- he said. - as always-.

I smiled and walked towards him. I sat next to him as I let my head rest on his shoulder.

- The plane leaves tonight so we still have a whole day to do whatever we want- he said. - what do you want to do, love?- he asked.

- Actually, anything that implies you and I together- I said, smiling.

- Then, follow me- he said. - I'm taking you out to eat-.

I smiled as he pulled me into the car and drove us to a nice looking restaurant. We had some lunch there. It all made me remember that time he took me to a restaurant... it was so magical. China seemed to bring a lot of good memories to us.

- You know, we made our memories here in China- I said. - our trip brought us very close together-.

He smiled.

- Perhaps... perhaps we should get married here- I said.

He stared at me.

- And... we could live here afterwards- I said.

- I like your idea- he said. - living in China is what I've wanted. Its not that I hate London, I just prefer my country. And I love that you like it too- I smiled. - about the wedding- he itched his head. - god, that's a thing to figure out. I'd like it to still be in London... its like a goodbye, get it?-.

I nodded. He was right. It was a goodbye indeed. 

A goodbye to welcome all of the new, happy stuff after it.

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