Ch. 6: Lessons

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* RAIN's POV *

After eating that amazing pancake I took a look at my watch, it was already nine. I walked to my bathroom and did my eyeliner. It looked pretty decent. After that I put on my boots (fuck the sandals, I chose the boots) and took a look at myself in the mirror.

'What if the short was too short?' I wondered. I remembered that chinase girls usually don't show too much skin. I stared at it but I ended up not-changing it. I was fine with it. If Lei thought that it was provocative... then let him think what he wants. I had wore a short skirt the other day, right?. God I was worrying way too much.

I put on some perfume and combed my hair for the second time. I fixed my hair; having wavy hair means to care A LOT about frizz. After I thought I was okay I went out of the bathroom. It was already ten. I decided to go earlier - if I had to wait, then I'd wait outside. It wouldn't kill me to sit on a bench for some minutes.

I called a cab and got to the campus. I saw Lei sitting on the bench. I stared at him, wondering what he was doing there.

* LEI's POV *

I had gotten then earlier, like I usually do. I was sitting, staring at the trees and the birds. I also had a book on my hand, but I wasn't paying much attention to it. The plot was kinda boring and I was going to get rid of it soon - not before looking up its ending, of course.

I was calmly sitting when I saw her, getting out of a cab. She was wearing a beautiful black blouse which matched perfectly with her black boots. She stared at me, and I stared at her. 

* RAIN's POV *

I didn't know whether to sit right next to him, keep on staring or just walk away. I was simply lost in his gorgeous eyes. 

- What are you doing here so early?- I asked, breaking the ice.

- I always come here early- he said.

- Oh... okay- I said, awkwardly. - I was planning on waiting for you, what do we do now?- I asked.

He moved aside, leaving space for me in the bench. I walked towards the bench and sat. I looked around me, trying to ignore him. I felt like I was being watched... by him.

- You are cute- he said.

- W... what?- I asked.

- I said that you are cute- he repeated.

My eyes were wide open, staring at his. I blushed. He was cute too... but I just couldn't say that the way he did. He was so direct. I... I just can't.

* LEI's POV *

I said it. I finally said it. It was the truth, she was cute. Perhaps cute wasn't the right word. And maybe this hadn't been the right time. But I just couldn't go back in time. I said it. I was waiting for her reaction when I saw her cheeks, burning red. Basing on my (very poor) knowledge of the human body, this meant that she was blushing... which was good, right?.

* RAIN's POV *

- God, its hot, right?- I said. 

I mentally slapped myself. This was awkward... but at the same time it wasn't that awkward. I wanted to smile at his compliment, but I wasn't that easy, was I?. I wasn't going to play the hard to get - I just was going to take it slow. I always do things fast and they never turn out well. So taking it slow was the right choice to make.

- Listen, I do want to smile- I spoke the truth. - but... you make me nervous-.

He stared at me and laughed.

- What?- I said, a little bit annoyed.

- That's the lamest excuse ever- he said, smiling.

I smiled.

* * *

After talking about life and a lot of random shit we went to the music room. He taught me some new stuff and I took down loads of notes.

- When is it, then?- I asked.

He looked confused.

- Our next lesson, dummy- I said.

- Oh... tomorrow, same time? But different place- I was confused. - won't tell you until tomorrow-.

Damn it. I couldn't live not knowing where we would go.

- Shit- I said. - anyways, we meet here?-.

- Yup- he said.

Argh! Why wouldn't he tell me?! Fucking anxiety... I picked up my note book and went out of the room. I waved as I got out. I decided to take the bus; too many cabs were expensive as fuck.

I was peacefully sitting when a guy began to stare at me. His look was intense. He was wearing a black hoodie - his face was almost completely covered by it. I wasn't scared. I knew that the bus stopped near home so I'd have to walk about two or three blocks. It wasn't that much. I could easily run and get even fas... oh, right. My boots. I could take them off, right?.

I began to sweat. I was feeling anxious. The bus stopped and I got out. The guy followed me. God, what was I doing?. I was walking faster than normal, taking long and fast steps.

I could hear his footsteps from behind. I tried to not think about it, but what if the guy entered home or something?.

I, because I was distracted, anxious and a little bit scared - let's face it, accidentally tripped. The guy took out a knife and threatened me. My whole body was shaking. Damn it. What would I do now?.

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