Ch. 42: Lies and More Lies

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* LEI's POV *

I went back home after reporting her. I hoped that her parents would speak the truth. I arrived home and my friends told me that their flight was about to leave. After all, they had only come for the wedding. We said our goodbyes and they left. I was all alone now.

I had been alone before, but it wasn't until she wasn't around me that I began to feel bad about it. I didn't use to care about the fact of being alone, I enjoyed spending time with myself. I loved reading books in silence and taking naps all day long. But now it was different... I had gotten used to have her with me. Or at least to receive her messages... that night I didn't receive any of them and that was making me feel bad.

"I miss you ", "I can't sleep ".

But now there was nothing. It was silence... and I hated silence. I took out my phone and began to call her again but I wasn't being answered. My calls kept on going straight to nowhere. I went out to the balcony and stared at the view. I remembered when I first brought her home, that she said that she liked the view. A tear fell down from my cheek... I couldn't give up on her. I had to look for her - I had to find her and rescue her. So that we could be together again. So that we'd both be happy again.

Because for me there was no happiness without her. 

I got into my house and sat on the sofa. I took out a whisky bottle and began to drink. I couldn't stand this for much longer... so I kept on drinking. Thinking that maybe, after being wasted, at least I'd dream about her. Her - her beautiful hazel eyes, her gorgeous mid-lengthened hair. 

Her amazing and breath-taking personality. Her charming voice, her loving spirit. Her fighting soul.

How could I ever live without her?.

* * *

I woke up on my sofa. My head was killing me. I dragged myself to the bathroom and took some Tylenol. I checked my phone, the only message there was Ah Si's. It said: " Any news? ". I didn't want to answer it. I sat on the sofa once again, and glanced at the empty whisky bottle.

My phone ringed - it was the police, probably wanting to talk to me about Rain's disappearance.

- Hello, is this Huaze Lei?- a male voice asked.

- Yes it is- I said.

- Well, sir. He have talked to Ms. Collins's parents, they deny everything. They say that Gerard and her are together now- he said.

I clenched my fist with anger.

- Okay- I said, pulling myself together. - thank you for informing me-.

I hang up. This was a lie... this couldn't be possible. Rain was over him and he was the one who was obsessed with her. He was the one who would do anything to be with her, not taking into count her feelings.

I was so angry that I threw the empty whisky bottle across the room. Its glass broke and spread all over the floor. I didn't pick it up... I just got out of my house and drove straight to Mr. and Mrs. Collins's house. I rang the bell and Mrs. Collins opened the door. When she saw me she shut the door closed.

- Tell me what's going on!- I said. - I need to find Rain, Mrs. Collins!-.

- She's gone, Lei. Please don't bother us anymore- she said. - she is not coming back!-.

No. She was coming back. She wasn't gone. It was just lies.

- Tell me the truth, Mrs. Collins!- I yelled. - I would do anything for her and I can't let her be with this maniac guy!-.

- He... she... they are together now... accept it- she said.

- I can smell the lies, Mrs. Collins. There's something that isn't right. There's something that just ain't right!- I said. - I need to know where to look for her! You don't know what this psycho guy would do to her, right?!. He got into your house without permission, he hit Rain! This guy broke her heart and left scars on her... scars that will always be there... scars that she doesn't deserve!-.

I couldn't hear Mrs. Collins anymore. I heard some strong footsteps and then the door opened.

- Leave us alone, Lei- said Mr. Collins. - Rain...- he seemed odd. - she is gone now-.

- Oh, no she is not!- I said. - I'm coming for her, Mr. Collins. I'm going to look for her all over the world until I find her!- I yelled. - I can't stand to not have her! I love her so much... and I can't let her go through this!-.

He just stared at me, without saying a word. He closed the door and I closed my eyes. 

Why in the world was this happening...

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