Ch. 57: Excuses

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* RAIN's POV *

After arguing with the girls whether to call or not to call Lei, I decided to call him. Shancai had my phone and I asked her politely to give it back to me. She refused.

- You are not going to make a woman who has just gotten surgery done get up from bed, are you?- I asked her.

She shook her head as she gave me back my phone.

- We're screwed- I heard from them.

I dialed Lei's number and hoped my call to be answered.

- Rain?- he asked. - is everything okay?-.

- I'm asking you, what's with your family? Are there any problems?- I asked.

- N... well, actually... my mother wanted me to do some videochat thingy with her. I didn't want to tell you so that you wouldn't worry or anything- he said.

- Are you with your friends, Lei?- I asked.

- I'm not- he said. 

- Okay, okay. Don't lie to me ever please... if there's family issues, tell me. Okay?- I asked. - I'll leave you to it. I love you-.

I hang up. I felt like a bad wife... I trusted him, but I had doubted him even for a short moment. I left my phone and stared at the girls, who looked guilty. They seemed to know... but how?.

- How did you know?- I asked them.

- He told us to come here and keep you company- said Shancai.

He was so considerate. He had thought about me not being alone and he called my friends to be with me. Such a gentleman, so cute. I feel like every second I love him more. Shancai (all of them) were staring at me... perhaps waiting for a comment, an answer.

- O... okay- I said. 

When it all turned a little bit awkward, Lei arrived. I began to feel more comfortable knowing that he would be around. He came towards me and I hugged him tightly. I wouldn't let go of him any sooner.

- I'm sorry I doubted you- I said, feeling ashamed.

He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair.

- I'm sorry I lied to you- he said.

I felt comfortable on his arms. It was the warmest, safest place in the world. Then I realized that we had an audience, the girls. Who were just standing there awkwardly. I smiled.

- Well, sorry Shancai for arguing with you- I said.

- Sorry for stealing your phone- she said, laughing.

She came towards me and hugged me.

- I won't do it again- she said, smiling. - I promise-.

* * *

After a while, the girls went back home and Lei and I were back alone. Yuan Ting was being examined as we were there, in the room. Actually talking about nothing.

- How was your mother?- I asked.

- F... fine- he said, itching his head. - the problem is now solved-.

- Oh, thats great- I said. 

The atmosphere was a little bit odd. 

- I heard that Shancai and Ah Si had an argument about kids- I said. - perhaps you could talk to Ah Si and sort things out. Shancai was really worried... I tried to talk to her, I think it worked. But still... make sure Ah Si isn't as stubborn as always when it comes to this things-.

He nodded.

- So, you've been the girl's therapist- he said.

- Something like that- I said. - but its like... every meeting we do the same. How are your guys? we ask. Anyone who has a problem is helped. And, when it comes to kids, we both are the most experienced. So I gave some advice to Shancai... but Ah Si needs some too-.

He nodded again.

- I want to sleep so badly- he said. - I'm so tired-.

- I wish I could go there to cuddle with you and play with your hair- I said, sad.

He got up and laid next to me.

- You are sleeping here?- I asked.

He nodded.

- This way we can cuddle- he said.

I smiled as I reached for his head and played with his hair. His eyes closed slowly as he fell asleep. He looked like Yuan Ting when she falls asleep; all peaceful and chill. At least one of us both was having a good night sleep. 

I put my head on his chest and slowly began to feel sleepy. I wondered who would take care of  Yuan Ting if we both were asleep, but then I remembered that the exam would take too long and that they'd probably have her under observation for the night. Thats when I closed my eyes and fell asleep comfortably. Knowing that this time, when I woke up, he would be right there by my side.

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