Ch. 43: Perhaps, Might, Maybe

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* LEI's POV *

I went back home after that time. 

As the time passed, I passed by their house to yell and ask them where Rain was. It was after a month that I decided to go to France. Perhaps I'd be able to find her there... I didn't know where to look for her, but she had told me that she used to live in Lyon. 

So I went to Lyon. I asked if anybody had seen her but everyone said that she was not there. Frustrated, I came back to London. I went back to her parents house, now desperate to find her. I had put all of my faith on finding her during my visit to France, but things didn't turn out as I expected.

- Please, Mrs. Collins!- I yelled. - please tell me where she is before its too late!-.

The woman opened the door, looked around and pulled me into the house. I suddenly realized that it was Mr. Collins that had gotten me into the house. He was sad - he was very upset.

* RAIN's POV *

It was tough. Gerard had pulled me out of my wedding... he had forced me to legally marry him. I did it just because he kept on saying that if I didn't do it, he'd kill Lei. 

I wish I could talk to him... tell him how much I need him. Tell him that I miss him and that I'm sorry. Perhaps even ask him for help... I keep on dreaming about him. I dream that he comes over one day and rescues me... but they are just dreams. And even though I love him I'm doomed to live this life... this eternal suffering. 

I already tried to escape... I got Gerard drunk and ran to the airport. But he found me there and stopped me. That was the closest thing to freedom. Then he locked me up inside of this horrendous room... he comes over and gives me food and water. He even kisses my forehead... thing that makes me nauseous.

I wish I didn't have to let Lei go... but I always let go of things I need. And in this case, there was nothing else I could do. I wasn't going to risk his life for my happiness...

- Darling, we are moving!- he said, one day. - it seems like your ex fiancé came around Lyon looking for you. So we are moving... maybe to Paris, the city of love-.

I couldn't look at him. He disgusted me. I hated him so much... I just couldn't stand his presence, the sound of his voice, everything. Now we were moving away from Lyon... that decreased my chances of seeing Lei again. But as I said, I couldn't risk his life. If saving him meant not seeing him ever again, then I'd do it... I'd do anything for him to be okay. Even though being with Gerard was killing me, even though I missed Lei and I was dying to see him once again. To be in his arms again... I couldn't risk it. I couldn't be that kind of person - I had to make sure that Lei would be okay, safe and sound. Away from Gerard's madness.

- Okay- I said. - can I go outside for a little while, I'd like to go around Lyon one last time-.

I was scared. I didn't know how he would react. He'd certainly be mad at me. As always. I expected a " No! " together with a slap or something. Who would think that Gerard would do anything good for everyone. He was staring at me, without saying a word. I closed my eyes, expecting to be hit by him. My lower lip began shaking as tears ran across my cheeks. I missed Lei so much... if only I could hug him, kiss him... explain everything to him. Apologize...

Gerard caressed my cheek as he mumbled some intelligible words. He wiped off my tears and held my head with both of his hands. He kissed my forehead. I wanted to get out of there, I wanted to escape this reality.

- Of course, love- he said. - if its what you want, then do it. I trust you... don't do anything that you'll regret later, okay?. You know that with a call, Lei is dead on the floor-.

I started breathing heavily. He untied my arms and opened the door. I breathed the fresh, Lyon air. I started walking away from the house. The place, the city, the country. It all brought horrible memories to me. It made me remember Gerard and his madness... 

I went into a supermarket and walked by the aisles... I was staring at some chips when I heard his voice. It was him. No, wait. I had to be dreaming.

This couldn't be true.

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