Ch. 7: Hero

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* RAIN's POV *

I began to feel bad. I though I was going to faint. Everything was blurry. I heard what I thought was a male voice - the guy ran. Bastard. Coward.

I saw Lei, staring at me. What was he doing here?. He picked me up, bridal style. My head felt light and I simply closed my eyes.

* * *

I woke up at a hospital bed. My whole body ached. I saw Lei sitting on a couch.

- You are awake- he said. - you are in a hospital, you got stabbed-.

Stabbed? What the heck? I looked down to my belly. I saw a bandage covering some kind of wound. God, I couldn't remember that. I think I was so anxious that I forgot it. But God damn it, it was now hurting so badly.

- I'll call the doctor- he said.

It was him, right?. He had saved me. He picked me up, I remember. I could recall some phrases like "You'll be fine".

The doctor entered the room.

- Hi, I'm Dr. Karev- he said. - you got lucky, miss. The knife didn't perforate any vital organ, you just needed to be stitched and bandaged up. We'll have you here for some days, okay?.

I nodded. The doctor got out of the room. Lei was there, right by my side. I smiled.

- You saved me- I said. - thank you-.

He smiled.

- You have to be careful- he said. - never go by bus again. That bastard will surely come around again. From now on I'll pick you up-.

- Thank you- I said. - god, it felt horrible. I lost control. I couldn't stay conscious-.

* LEI's POV *

When I found her she was laying on a pool of blood. The guy had stabbed her and was just about to run when I turned up and he rushed. Rain was shaking non stop; the blood kept on coming out. She, as soon as I picked her up, fainted due to the blood loss. I was so damn scared. I didn't want to admit it, but it had been as scary as hell.

- The important thing is that you are okay now- I told her. 

She was staring at me. Her eyes were full of tears.

- My god, it had to happen to me- she said. - I'm so fucking lucky these days...- she wiped off her tears. - anyways, I'm okay. Thats important. And this will surely leave a badass scar. Thats cool-.

I laughed.

* RAIN's POV *

- Thank you for being my hero- I said. 

He had rescued me. In my mind, he was my hero.

- So the lesson is canceled- I said. - where were you taking me?-.

I remembered that he had told me that we'd go somewhere. And (as almost all of the things in my life, at least around these times) it had been fucked up.

- I was going to lure you into a trap, if we could call it 'trap'- he said. - I was going to take you to the school theatre, and we'd perform in front of all the alumni- what the... - you'd sing, I'd play the piano-.

Why?. I didn't quite understand it yet. I didn't know if it was the wound, the pain or the simple fact that I'd been through hell and back in the past hour - but I just couldn't get it. He was planning on taking me to perform? After only two freaking classes?... or were there three?. 

- You had to start from something, right?. If the alumni liked the performance, then you'd get some fans. You could even make your Instagram account and become known- he explained. - it was a good plan-.

- Was- I pointed out.

- Is- he said. - we'll just put it off, I promise that we'll perform later. Now, recover. Give yourself some time off. Your mother will be here in any minute, I'll leave you two alone. Okay?-.

I nodded.

This guy seemed to make my life smile. I could forget about the crappy things and put some happiness to it. So thank you Lei... thank you for rescuing me, for teaching me and for trying to make me succeed in my career.

Will I ever be able to pay it back?

AUTHOR's NOTE: My computer broke... or its not turning on. So have in mind that I'll update the story a little bit slower. Sorry for that.

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