Ch. 29: Hangover

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* LEI's POV *

I left Rain on the bed. I tucked her in and she fell asleep immediately. I laid next to her. Watching her sleep was so amazing. She truly looked like an angel. Before I forgot, I took a cotton with some micellar water and wiped her make up off. She kept on sleeping as I cleansed her beautiful face.

- Thanks- she mumbled.

I smiled. I wrapped an arm around her waist and fell asleep like that. Next to her. The nearer I was to her, the better I felt. I couldn't think of any other better place to be than next to her.

I woke up thanks to a maid who, I guess, tripped or something. Rain wasn't there... she was... gone?. I knocked the bathroom's door and heard nothing. I opened the door and saw her showering... I turned around.

- Damn it, Lei!- she screamed. - you scared the crap out of me-.

I heard as she got out of the shower and pulled the towel. She covered herself and then continued talking.

- You should've knocked- she told me.

- I did- I said. - the thing is that you were singing so loud that you didn't listen to it-.

- Oh, god. My head is bumping... I need Tylenol*... where did I put it?- she said.

She looked around her things and didn't find it.

- Its not like the micellar water, I know I put it somewhere around here. I saw this coming- she was talking to herself. - did you know that people who talk to themselves tend to be smarter?- she told me. - damn it, focus!-.

I pulled out a box of Tylenol.

- Here you got- I said, and handed them over.

- Thanks- she said.

She got into the bathroom, took some Tylenol and then put some clothes on. She got out and threw herself to the bed.

- I hate hangovers!- she complained.

- Then, don't drink- I said.

- Thats not a possibility... or at least not on a social environment. I have to drink in order to be more... social- she said. - I don't fit in anywhere-.

- You do- I said. - in my arms-.

- Aww... but your arms don't count as a social environment- she said. - well, but for that answer I'm going to say it. I love you-.

I smiled.

* RAIN's POV *

I just couldn't pull myself together. Every inch of my body was aching... I was thirsty AF. I drank some lemon water (I don't even like lemons) and also some tap water. However, I was still feeling thirsty. What was with this hangover? Had I drunk THAT much?... oh, right... the whisky. Its quite strong. 

- Damn it, I've never been worse- I said. - I'm never, ever, ever drinking again with your friends. Cocktails, whisky, beer. God, damn it they wouldn't stop drinking-.

He laughed.

- I just drunk a beer- he said.

- Yeah, sure. What about the whisky, Lei?- I asked.

- You are right- he said.

I yawned.

- Can we keep on sleeping?- I asked. - please- I begged.

- I have things to do- he said. 

I raised my brows.

- Ah Si wants some help... he is changing some furniture... who knows, this guy gets a little bit crazy sometimes- he said.

- I'll help- I said. - I don't seem to, but I'm pretty strong-.

He laughed.

- I'm not kidding- I said. 

- You'll dehydrate. Or starve. Stay here and keep on sleeping- he said.

- The thing is that I can't sleep without you by my side, so... you are stuck with me- I said. He laughed. - I'll get myself ready and we'll go right away-.

I put on some light make up and dressed more presentable. He held my hand and we went to the car - he had recently gotten back his car, he has a car here in China but... I don't really know how he got it back. He drove us to Shancai and Daoming Si's house. As soon as I saw Shancai I threw myself to her. She was almost like my only friend. The translator app was our savior.

I pulled out my phone and gave her a wink - she smiled.

- So... I heard that Si is moving some stuff around the house?- I asked.

- Yes... sometimes he goes crazy- she said.

- This hangover is killing me- I said. - I'll never drink again-.

She laughed.

- You drank a lot- she said. - I just had one cocktail... I couldn't help myself-.

I smiled.

* LEI's POV *

- They are getting along, right?- I asked Si.

- Yeah, they seem friends- said Si. - your girlfriend is a pretty good and talented woman. You were lucky to find her-.

- I was indeed- I said, smiling.

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