Ch. 49: Kidding?

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* RAIN's POV *

I woke up feeling worse than ever. Light was bothering me... as soon as I opened my eyes I saw Lei, holding my hand. Also my parents sitting beside me.

- H... hi- I mumbled.

- Rain- said Lei. - you fainted, but now you are okay. I'll call the doctor- he said.

- Darling, that was so scary- my mother said. - I'm grateful that you are okay now-.

A doctor came in together with Lei, who went right to holding my hand once again. 

- Ms. Collins, you fainted. You are both okay- the doctor said. - you'll be immediately discharged-.

- Both?- I asked, confused.

- Oh, wait. You didn't know?- the doctor asked. - miss, you are two months pregnant-.

I glanced at Lei, who looked as surprised as I was. We both smiled as his hand went to touch my belly. I couldn't believe it! Now only I was marrying him, but I was having a baby with him!.

- Oh my god!- I said. - we are having a baby?!-.

I couldn't help but to hug him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard my mom sobbing from behind.

- I... I am going to be a grand-mom!- she said, happily.

We all laughed.

- Now, we will need a pregnant wedding gown- I said. 

- Nop- he said. - its actually all sorted out. We can marry right away... we only need some two weeks, because deco, place and gown are ready. We would need a new date-.

- Let's call your family from Taiwan, also our friends from China- I said. - tell them that we'll get married tomorrow-.

- Tomorrow?- he asked.

I nodded.

The doctor interrupted our chat.

- You are officially discharged!- the doctor announced, waving some papers. - Ms. Collins, you may leave-.

I got up and, holding Lei's hand, we got out of the hospital. My parents went back home as we both went to his apartment.

Once there, he took out his computer and started mailing people. Then he phoned some other people. After 15 minutes it all was sorted out. We were getting married tomorrow. I couldn't be more excited. I was finally getting my happily ever after... well, our happily ever after.

- All done- he said. - we get married tomorrow-.

I smiled and hugged him. I was so happy. Now our life seemed to he solved. We were having a child together - we were going to be a family.

He stared at my pregnant belly and touched it. I smiled as I felt his gentle touch. I was so happy...

- We love you, peanut- he said.

I smiled even more.

* * *

I accidentally fell asleep on his couch... I woke up to see him reading something from the phone. He was reading it out loud. It seemed like a fairy tale... I mean, what he was reading.

- What are you doing?- I asked.

He was startled by my sudden comment. He seemed to be chilling and reading this thing out loud without being interrupted.

- I was... umm...- he said.

I took his phone and checked what he was reading. It said "Tales to Read to your Unborn Baby". I smiled as my emotions ruled over my body. My pregnancy hormones were all over me. A tear fell out from my right eye.

- Aww... you are so cute!- I said. - oh, God, I'm crying- I smiled. - I'm sorry... fucking hormones-.

He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my belly.

- Mommy's jealous- I said, frowning.

He kneeled towards me and kissed me. I smiled.

- Tomorrow is the day- he said.

- Yes it is- I reassured. - I'm marrying my gorgeous man-.

He held my hand and I put my head on his shoulder. I accidentally fell asleep again and then woke up... it was now the morning, the morning of my wedding day. I didn't see Lei at first, he had left a note saying that he went to the suit something man. I called my mother, who already knew I was getting married today.

- Your make up artist is at the venue- she said. - take a cab and go there-.

- Okay- I said.

I called a cab and went straight to the venue. They set me up and I put on my gown. I stared at my phone, remembering that time when Gerard called me and ruined everything. I left my phone by the table. My mom had already arrived half an hour ago. She helped me set everything up.

- The phone stays here, and mine too- he said, leaving hers by the table, next to mine.

I nodded in approval.

- I'm getting married, finally!- I said, excitedly. - look at me, mom. I'm dressed like a princess-.

- Yes you are, baby- she said, smiling.

My father walked towards me and kissed my forehead.

- Congratulations, my little Rain!- he said. - I'm so happy for you-.

I smiled. It was now time for my happily ever after to become true.

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