Ch. 60: Another Surprise Visit

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* RAIN's POV *

- What?- mumbled my mother, confused.

- Mom, you fell asleep- I explained. - you are on our couch-.

My mother got up and dusted off. She stared at the baby and walked towards us to hold her. I shook my head.

- Its mommy time- I said. - you should really get back to the hotel. Have some rest. Tomorrow you can come home again-.

She woke my father up and told him they were leaving. They both said their goodbyes and got out of the house. I sat on the sofa, holding our baby. She was falling asleep. I passed her to Lei, who tucked her into her crib.

- She's asleep- he said, as he went down the stairs.

- What do we do now?- I asked.

- I can think of a variety of options... but the one I'd enjoy the most is sleep- he said.

We both went up to our room and we laid on our bed. I closed my eyes, giving myself into sleep. I woke up thanks to the baby's cries. I stared at Lei who's eyes were wide open.

- Do I go or do you go?- I asked.

- Leave it to me- he said. - you need to rest-.

- Shh- I said. - you've said that before. Let me handle it-.

I stood up as he again told me to go back to rest. I hushed him and went out of the room. I closed the door and walked towards the baby's room. When I was about to enter, I tripped with one of her diaper bags and fell to the floor. I felt a warm liquid coming out of my wound. I rolled over to see there was blood coming out of it.

- Oh god- I mumbled.

The baby kept on crying as I tried to stand up, but it hurt like hell and I simply couldn't do it. I hoped that Lei had heard me.

After some seconds I saw Lei rushing to the room. He saw me, laying on the floor.

- Shit- I said. - I tripped-.

He was staring at me and at the baby.

- Lei, baby- I said, noticing his concern. - go to the bathroom and bring me some gauze-.

He rushed and gave me some. I covered and pressed the wound as he picked me up bridal style.

- Wait- I said. - I'll be fine. Take the baby first-.

- You are bleeding- he said.

- We can't leave her alone- I said. - take her to the car, I'll wait here-.

He gently left me on the floor as he picked Yuan Ting up, he pacified her. He picked up the diaper bag, he took two and the wipes. He rushed to the car and then came back for me. He helped me get into the car as he picked up a fresh milk bottle for Yuan Ting.

- We are going to the emergency- he said. - what if you have an internal hemorrhage?!-.

I rolled my eyes. The least likely thing to happen was that.

We quickly arrived to the hospital.

* * *

- Miss, you must be more careful- the doctor said. - this time, one stitch snapped but you were lucky-.

I sighed. I was going to be fine. Accidents happen, right?. And it seems like I'm most likely to have them.

- You can leave now, please take more care of your wound- the doctor said.

- Okay- I said.

Lei drove us back home. When we arrived, it was already 7 a.m. I was feeling sleepy and tired so I was in need of a bed. But little Yuan Ting was not going to fall asleep again.

- Looks like we have a guest- I said, as I saw a woman standing at the door. - is it another saleswoman?. Because I'm not in the mood for talking-.

Lei was staring at her, surprised. Did he know her?.

- Wait, do you know her?- I asked.

He kept on staying at her.

- Wasn't she in France?- he mumbled.

-Hey, Lei... who is she?- I asked.

- She...- he stared saying.

Holly shit I was dying to know who this woman was... and of course, what the hell she was doing at our house... at 7 a.m.

I stared to look at her, analyzing her looks. I felt like I had seen her before, but I couldn't quite recognize her.

She had short, dark hair. She was wearing some really fancy clothes. She was carrying a nice Louis Vuitton suitcase. She had a bag on her other arm. She didn't look like any of Lei's friends.

She waved her hair and turned back, to stare at us. I felt a little bit ashamed... I felt like a stalker or something.

- Lei!- she said, and then her eyes turned back to mines.

She was like... what was it... surprised?. It was something else. The look on her face inspired certain fear, perhaps.

Who was she?

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