Ch. 48: Victory

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* RAIN's POV *

After eating we went straight to the airport, where our friends were waiting for us.

- Let's not tell them for now- I said. - so that's a surprise for later-.

He agreed.

- Hi to y'all- I said. - it was great to visit you here... I look forward to see you guys again later- I smiled. - thanks for all of your support-.

They all smiled.

- You are welcome- said Ah Si. - now, nice trip back!-.

I smiled.

- Thank you- said Lei. - and as she said, we'll be back soon-.

He looked at me and gave me a wink. I smiled and held his hand. We waved as we got into the plane. I sat and buckled up. Lei was right beside me... I couldn't stop smiling... thinking about us getting married, living in this beautiful country. I knew I'd had to learn mandarin... but it didn't seem to be THAT difficult.

- So... now we are going take legal actions, right?- I asked. He nodded. - god, it scares me a little bit-.

- Don't be afraid- he said, holding my hand. - I'll be there with you... everything will turn out just great. And think... after it all, we'll get married and be happy together. Forever-.

I smiled. He was right - after this whole thing was over, we would get married and then enjoy ourselves. We would eliminate every one of the obstacles which messed with our life and our story. It was just a trial... just suing him and then it would be over forever. He'd be imprisoned and we'd be married. 

It sounded too perfect to be true. Something had to go wr... anyways, I had to stay positive. Positive attracts positive, right?. I mean... not scientifically but... was it the Chaos Theory? Butterfly Effect?. Not a big fan of science... at all.

Anyways, we had a nice and smooth trip back home. Once we arrived, we went straight to my parents' house.

- Baby!- my mother said, as soon as she saw me.

She and my dad ran to me and squeezed me tightly.

- O... okay, ma. I'm fine- I said. - everything is okay-.

They both smiled.

- Now, we have to take legal actions against Gerard- Lei said - we were thinking about suing him for psychological and physical damage, also for kidnapping and we'd ask for the divorce-.

Both of my parents nodded.

- Let's go straight to the police station- said my dad. - this needs to get over with as soon as possible-.

Lei drove us to the station and they contacted our lawyers. Lei had gotten us a good lawyer, so there was nothing to be scared of. 

After testifying, calling Gerard and a load of things that were more than exhausting we went into trial. I was nervous, very nervous. I could feel my body shaking. Lei was beside me the whole time... but somehow, seeing Gerard near us made me want to puke.

- So, based of the proof, I declare Ms. Collins's ex-boyfriend guilty of attempted murder, kidnapping and also home abuse- he said. - he awaits some good imprisonment years-.

I stared at Lei and we smiled. We hugged each other as they took Gerard away. I could hear that he mumbled some french words... but I didn't pay attention. I was concentrated in this beautiful moment of ours... it was over, we were now divorced and I was able to finally marry the man of my dreams. I couldn't feel happier... 

We got out of the place feeling happy, holding hands. I was continuously staring at his eyes... I loved him so much. 

Suddenly, as we walked down the stairs, I felt a little dizzy. 

- Oh, god- I said.

- What's wrong?- Lei asked, worried.

- I... I'm a little bit dizzy- I said.

I began to feel nauseous but the main thing was the dizziness. I felt like I was drifting off, like losing control of my body. I remembered the time of the blood loss... this whole thing reminded me of that. My parents got closer to us, and they were staring at me. They said something I couldn't quite understand.

- What did you say?- I asked. - I... I'm gon...-.

I gave in to it and lost control of my body. 

* LEI's POV *

Rain had fallen right on top of me. I picked her up bridal style and put her in the car. I drove to the Hospital and asked for the doctors' help. They quickly took Rain away and started doing some exams on her.

I didn't know what was going on... I began to feel nervous.

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