Ch. 24: Monster

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* RAIN's POV *

After knocking a thousand doors and walking half a kilometer, I got to the bathroom. I entered and locked the door. I had slept with my make up on and now it looked kinda weird. I searched all over the bathroom for make up cleansing wipes or micellar water, but of course... Lei lived here. And, as far as I know, he doesn't wear make up... ever.

I tried taking it out with water... but it only made it worse. I looked as if I had cried for hours wearing a kilogram of mascara in each eye. Again, I tried the water but it didn't quite work. 

- Damn it- I said out loud. - what do I do now?-.

I got out of the bathroom (after I relieved myself, the urge was real), covering my face. I ran to the bedroom and I gasped as I saw Lei, sitting on the bed. The lights were on, I covered my face as a reflex.

- Lei, could you turn off the lights?- I asked.

- What?- he asked. - are you okay?-.

- Yeah, the thing is that I look like a monster... I'm so embarrassed- I said. - see, I slept with my eyeliner on and I didn't take it off. I tried to go to the bathroom and take it off with water but now I really look hideous-.

- You never look hideous, Rain. Don't say that- he said. 

I showed him my face.

- I bet that if I went to a movie studio they'd hire me as a monster right away- I said.

He smiled.

- Please, Rain- he said. - don't say that. Do you have some kinda make up cleanser?-.

I shook my head.

- See, I always forget about something- I said. - I'm so dumb!-.

He smiled.

- What do you use? Wipes, cream?- he asked.

- Micellar water and cotton- I said. - why?-.

- I'll go get you some- he said. 

- No, Lei. You are tired... how could I make you go to get me some make up cleanser?- I said. - I can cover the mess up with BB cream and go get it myself-.

- Do you speak chinase?- he asked.

He was right. How could I go to a store to get some micellar water without even know how to talk to the people around me... and of course, the letters. Holly mother of God... those letters were so weird. All drawing-like characters I couldn't understand at all. 

- Fair point- I said.

- Wait for me- he said. - monster-.

- Lei!- I yelled and threw him a pillow as he went out of the bedroom.

I laughed.

I gave myself a tour around the place. It was a big bedroom. It had a gigantic window with views to the garden. This house was way more classy and greek-temple-like than his apartment. His apartment was modern, from the outside and the inside. But this house was just mother from the inside, the outside still looked classic. It had some columns that made me remember the greek tales we used to be told in class.

I was too embarrassed to open the doors and check the place out. I preferred to wait for Lei to come and ask him to show me around. Not only his bedroom but the whole house - getting out would mean getting lost.

I was playing with my phone when Lei came. He was shaking a bag that had some weird chinase letters. 

- Here you've got, monster- he said.

I took the bag.

- Bathroom?- I asked. - ah, right-.

I was about to get out of the bedroom when he said.

- Where are you going?- he asked me. - the bathroom is over there- he pointed a door.

- Oh, I went to the outside bathroom earlier. I had to ask a maid... I struggled a lot- I said. - chinase is so difficult-.

He laughed.

I got into the bathroom and cleaned my face. Now I didn't look like a monster anymore. I took my bag and got out a cream. I putted it all over my face to hydrate my skin. I got out of the bathroom and I sat on the bed, next to Lei.

- I want to take you somewhere- he said.

I looked at him.

- Where?- I asked him.

- Its a surprise- he said.

- We aren't going to meet your friend yet, right? Because I have to look more presentable...- I told him. He shook his head. 

- Lets go- he said.

- Are you sure you got enough rest?- I asked him. - I don't want you fainting or anything strange-.

He smiled. He took my hand and we got out of the room.

Where was Lei taking the monster?

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