Ch. 5: Music Room

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* RAIN's POV *

Damn. Maybe he new that I had lied... crap, what was I going to tell him?. I walked towards the car, nervous.

- I was waiting for the cab inside- I came up with the lamest lie ever. - its a little bit cold outside-.

He laughed.

- What?- I asked. - whats funny?-.

- Its summer- he said.

God damnit.

* * *

He drove me to the campus. I got out of the car... there were several girls staring at us both. They were whispering to one another. I overheard one say "Now he has a girlfriend". I blushed. I hate to be misunderstood. I walked by his side, following him inside the building. He took me to the music room. 

I didn't want to say anything. I knew I had to apologize - he had obviously noticed that I lied. But... what could I say about that?. "I'm sorry I overslept, I haven't got over jetlag yet". Thats more lame than my winged eyeliner.

- Sing something- he said.

- What?- I asked, surprised.

- Sing- he said.

- A song in specific... or...- I wondered.

- Whatever, just sing- he said.

I stared at the floor and chose my song.

- Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy. You and I, you and I, we're like diamonds in the sky. You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy. When you hold me, I'm alive. We're like diamonds in the sky - I began to sing. - I knew that we'd become one right away. Oh, right away. At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays. I saw the life inside your eyes - I sang. 

I remembered Gerard. He helped me sing, he was my guitarist. I felt empty once again. He was missing.

- So shine bright tonight,You and I. We're beautiful like diamonds in the skyEye to eye,So alive. We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky- I was singing.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to cry so badly. But I kept on signing. 'Start over' I thought. 

* * *

After singing he asked me to do it once again but this time he'd play the piano. It was beautiful. It sounded perfect. Later on he taught me some musical notes and how to play them. I took some notes down on my new note book. 

- Thats it for today- he said.

- Great! When do we meet up again?- I asked.

- Tomorrow, maybe at 11 a.m.- he said. - so that you don't rush here-.

I didn't even want to talk about it. Over sleeping is a real issue.

- Okay- I said, instead of thanking him. - bare in mind that I'm still going through jetlag. Sorry- I smiled.

He smiled.

- I... I should get going- I said.

I had to get out of that room before my heart would burst. His smile was so alluring, so hypnotizing. His look was so amazing. He was so cute, and also a gentleman. God, he was perfect. I was trying to get him out of my mind as I walked out of the room. I had to call a cab so I pulled out my phone. I called the cab and soon it was there, waiting for me. I got into the cab before Lei could even offer me a ride home. Spending so much time alone with him was too much... too much to handle.

* LEI's POV *

She rushed out of the room. I laughed. She was such a cute girl. Apart from having a gorgeous voice she was a very good student. She listened to me... sometimes she seemed distracted. She would look into my eyes and listen to me just nodding. I felt like I wasn't being payed attention to - if you know what I mean.

But I guess that we were both impressed by each others' looks. She was really cute. Physically, vocally and her personality seemed beautiful.

* RAIN's POV *

I got home and went straight to bed. 'If I go to sleep now, maybe I can actually wake up at 10 and make a better winged eyeliner' I thought. Before going to bed I decided to take a shower, clean my make up off and moisturize my face with some coconut oil. I put my head in the pillow and fell asleep comfortably. 

I woke up on my own. The alarm hadn't gone off yet so I assumed that it was earlier in the morning. I looked at my watch, it was almost eight. I took a deep breath and then walked to the closet. I chose a black blouse and some jean shorts. I looked at my sandals... then at my boots. I couldn't decide so I walked out of my room to have some breakfast.

- Mom- I greeted my mom. - how are you doing?-.

She looked at me. She couldn't stop staring.

- What?- I asked.

- Girl, you are glowing- she said. - what the heck has happened to you?-.

I smiled. I met a cute guy and I'm learning how to play the piano. I'm getting used to look at his brown piercing eyes. I think I fucking like him. 

Damn. I had admitted it. Mentally.

- Oh my god- I said. - god, what if I really do?-.

My mother didn't understand anything. She laughed and then opened the fridge calmly. She handed me a pancake and I ate it happily. I sat at the table. I wondered if I really did like him. Its weird... to like someone. And I think it was too soon for me to find out. 

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