Ch. 50: Wedding

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* RAIN's POV *

It was now time to get married... for real. My father was holding my arm as he walked me to the beautiful aisle. I could see Lei, formally dressed. Everyone was staring at me. I was proudly wearing my wedding gown, walking towards my not-so-future husband. As I reached him I smiled.

- You look beautiful- he mouthed.

I blushed. 

- Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate this two love birds union- the officiant said. - now, we will let our bride and our groom exchange their vows-.

I smiled. I would go first.

- Lei. You changed my whole life. I came from a relationship with a lot of failure, I lost my hope in love and happiness. I thought my world was crushed. But I didn't know that you would show up, you would play the delicate keys of your piano and teach me how to be happy again- I said. - you made it worth it to give life a second chance. I promise to be faithful to you and to cherish you as long as we shall both live-.

Everyone clapped. It was Lei's turn now.

- Rain. From the first time I saw you, running on heels I knew that I loved you. It was only a matter of time for our love to develop and for us to grow closer. I'm happy that I've finally found the someone I have been looking for all of my life- he said, smiling. He was making me want to cry. - the someone with whom I'm willing to spend my whole life with. I love you, Rain-.

Everyone clapped, once again. Shancai handed us the rings as she gave them to Lei, he took out one and said.

- With this ring, I thee wed- he said.

The ring slid through my finger. I took out the other ring, being careful enough not to drop it or anything - I can be clumsy from time to time (who am I kidding, please).

- With this ring, I thee wed- I said, smiling.

- I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride- the officiant said.

Lei and I smiled as he kneeled forward and, while grabbing my waist, he kissed me passionately. I was so happy. I bet that my heart rate was as high as it had ever been.

* * *

As the ceremony unravelled, the guests drunk and ate, we both decided to get a microphone and announce the existence of peanut. We thought that the wedding itself was the right moment to tell everyone about him/her.

- Well, thank you all for being here with us!- I said, happily.

- We now have an announcement for you- Lei said.

Everyone was staring at us. I began to feel a little bit nervous. I stared at Lei, we smiled.

- We are pregnant!- we both said.

Everyone clapped. Some people even came towards me to hug me and congratulate us. I couldn't stop smiling. This had been the best experience of my life. Being happy once and for all. 

* * *

I chose to sit on Lei's friends' table. I thought that it would be cool to spend some time with them too.

- Hey, congrats!- Ah Si said.

- Thank you- I said. - it was so unexpected... but still, we are looking forward to this tiny peanut-.

- Have you thought about any names yet?- asked Xiaoyou, with some labored English.

- N... not really... I mean... we found out yesterday- I said. - we don't know the sex yet either so...-.

I mean... she was making a really good point. If this baby was either a boy or a girl, we would have to pick a name for it. And it would have to be an English-Chinese name. But I didn't really know any Chinese names. 

- G... give me a second- I said, as I stood up and reached for Lei, who was talking with some weird people in Chinese.

- Baby- I said.

- H... hold on a second- said Lei in Chinese. - what's wrong?- he asked me.

- I mean... not to be a... like, freak or anything... I shouldn't be thinking about this now- I said. - but how are we gonna name the baby? Like, in Chinese or in English?-.

He laughed.

- Girl, chill out. Be worried about whether you want to eat cake or ice cream; forget about things that will happen in the future- he said. - live the present, darling-.

He is always right. I mean... almost right. When it comes to cooking... 

- You are right- I said. - live the present, then. But its kinda hard... not thinking about the future-.

He laughed again.

- By the future you mean in what... eight months?- he asked. - we have time to choose our baby's name. So let's take our time to decide it. Come on, let's chill out together-.

He pulled me to the outdoors and wrapped an arm around me. I felt calm... worry-free. I took a deep breath as I stared into the dark night. The sky was full of stars.

- Today is when our future begins- he said. - today is the beginning of our happily ever after-.

- It feels unreal- I said.

- Yes it does- he said. - but its just as real as our little peanut-.

I smiled.

- I'm as happy as I could ever be- I said. - I love you-.

- I do too- he said.

He grabbed me from my waist and kneeled towards me... I took his tie and pushed him. We kissed... sealing this wonderful story... at least for now.

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