Ch. 17: Boyfriend

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* RAIN's POV *

I took out a knife and cut out a piece. I ate it. Meanwhile, Lei was staring at me.

- Its great!- I said, I was disgusted by it.

He didn't say a word.

- Not really- I said.

He laughed.

- Instant noodles on their way!- he said, taking out a box and putting it inside of the microwave.

I hugged him from his back, meaning from behind him... you know what I mean. He was surprised. He held my hands and then turned back. I stared at his piercing dark eyes. He leaned towards me to kiss me but then we were interrupted by the microwave's sound. I tilted my head and he took hold of my cheek.

- Remember when you said we'd never let anything interrupt or ruin one of our moments?- he asked.

He came closer and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mines around his neck. It felt amazing. 

- 我的女朋友 (Wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu) - he mumbled, cutting the kiss for a second.

- Translation, please- I asked.

- I said my girlfriend- he replied.

- Who doesn't know how to cook... but does now how to kiss- I said.

He laughed.

- I'm hungry- I said.

I got the noodles out of the microwave and sat on the dining table.

- Oh, so the kiss was a persuasion technique to being able to steal my instant noodles- he said.

- I guess you could say so- I said, smiling. I opened up the box. - and I could do it again if you handed me a fork-.

He laughed.

- Try using these- he handed me two wooden sticks.

Damn. Chinese sticks. I couldn't even hold them right.

- Well, I guess my boyfriend can teach me how to use them- I said. - if he wants more persuasive techniques in the future-.

He smiled. He took my hand and showed me how to use them. I wasn't paying an inch of attention to what he was teaching me. I just liked to feel his hand against mine. I, somehow, was able to eat with them. I felt pretty proud of myself. He went to read some book on the sofa. I took some noodles and walked towards him.

- Open up- I said.

I gave him some noodles.

- Unless you're starving thats all that you get- I said, smiling.

He smiled too.

I went back to finish the noodles.

* * *

After that meal I began to feel sleepy. I heard Lei yawn and I did too. 

- I'm tired- he said.

- Lets go to bed then- I said. - I'll get some new pajamas-.

I put on a Guns N' Roses white t-shirt with some black pants. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and put on my face cream. And no, I didn't look like a pale ghost because of the cream. My skin looked moist. I got out of the bathroom and went to the bed. Lei was there, reading his book with one of the bedside lights on.

I laid on the other side of the bed.

- I don't snore or anything- I told him. 

- Me either- he said.

I smiled and got under the covers. I closed my eyes and let myself rest. It wasn't uncomfortable to have him next to me. It was just a tiny, little bit awkward. 

I felt darkness around me, he was there again. He took hold of me and I couldn't make him let go of me. I was desperate and then I gasped, sitting in the bed. Lei woke up suddenly.

- What happened?- he asked, worried.

I couldn't speak. I was too scared.

- Nightmare- he answered himself. - right?-.

I nodded.

- Come here- he said.

He hugged me. Our bodies were close to each other and I began to feel calm again. My heartbeat went back to normal. He was wrapping his arms around me and I could feel his warmth. I felt like I was home.

- Thanks- I said.

He didn't answer. He had fallen back to sleep, like this. I decided to do the same so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up with my body all over him. I silently got up and went to the kitchen. It was my opportunity to show him I did know how to cook... sorta. 

I prepared some scrambled eggs with sausage. I served some cookies and I poured some coffee into two mugs and put everything on a nice tray. I walked silently to the room and left the tray on the bedside table. I stared at him - I didn't want to wake him up, it'd be a bummer. Perhaps he hadn't slept well last night. Oh, maybe I had kicked him and bothered him all night long. Poor Lei.

I leaned towards him, staring at his angelical face. He looked so cute. His eyes were closed and he was motionless.

What a handsome boyfriend had I gotten myself.

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