Ch. 56: Spilled Beans

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* RAIN's POV *

Lei left without saying a word. I was a little confused, but I knew that if he left it had to mean that something big was happening. Its not like he would leave me alone - well, not technically - because of nothing. I trusted him. I knew that he was a responsible guy and... well, it was now time to chit chat with the girls.

- Your girl is so cute- Xiaoyou said. - she looks just like you-.

- How's that?- asked Xiaozi. - she is a Lei clone, look at her-.

They started to argue as Shancai stared at me. She remembered the time she argued with Daoming Si due to the same thing. My Yuan Ting's looks.

- Again- she mumbled as we both laughed. - girls, girls. We came here to keep company to Rain, let's not be impolite-.

Xiaoyou and Xiaozi apologized as they stared at me.

- How have you been?- Xiaoyou asked.

- Restless- I mumbled.

- We can see- said Xiaozi, which leaded to everyone staring at her. Shancai hit her softly. - what? She's got her mom eye bags-.

I laughed.

- Mom eye bags?- I asked. - is that a thing?-.

- Well, lack of sleep produces them, right?- Xiaoyou said. - nothing that can't be solved with some green tea and a good night sleep. Do you want some chamomile tea?. It will help you sleep-.

I nodded.

- It would be great- I said.

She opened her bag and searched around.

- Here!- she said, taking out a tiny little envelopish thing. - thats one bag, I'll bring you more later. Drink it before sleep and then sleep like a baby. Also put some green tea tea bags under your eyes. It'll reduce the inflammation-.

- Thanks- I said, as I picked up the little bag.

I stared at it and then put it on the table.

- So, tell me, how have the guys behaved this week?- I asked.

- Ximen and I went to a date yesterday. We ended up kissing passionately- Xiaoyou said, happily. - Thomas and I are so mad in love... god, I keep on wondering what I did to deserve him- Xiaozi said. - Daoming Si was fine-.

- Fine?- I asked. - you fought, right?-.

- N... not fight, it was just an argument- Shancai said.

- About what?- Xiaozi asked.

- Kids- Shancai said.

Oh, crap. Argument and kids weren't two words I'd like to be together... or even close. 

- He said that he wants to have kids but I want to wait for a little bit, we should at least get some time to enjoy Yuan Ting before having our own child. We have to know if we really want it- Shancai said. - and I'm sure I'm not ready to be a mom-.

- Oh, girl. Nobody's ready to be a mom- I said. - they don't give you a manual or anything. You have to learn from your own mistakes. I think you will be a great mother Shancai. Perhaps you should re consider it, or think it through again. I think that you will be great parents-.

Xiaoyou nodded.

- You will be a great mom, Shancai. Don't hold back. A kid always brings joy to a married couple- said Xiaoyou.

- Yes it does- I said. - from my little experience I must tell you... watching Lei take care of Yuan Ting has been... god... simply mesmerizing. My heart just wanted to burst or something-.

- Aww- they all said.

I smiled and blushed a little bit.

- Even the toughest man is gentle to a child- I said. - so watching him be so gentle and cute was simply too much for me-.

I laughed.

- And well... there's also funny moments. But as I said, we learn from our mistakes- I repeated. - so I think its great for you to consider being parents. We didn't even talk about it before we found out I was pregnant, it was a surprise indeed. But we managed to still enjoy it. No planning, no thinking, no talking. Simply doing. Give yourself into what feels better-.

Shancai nodded.

- You are right- she said. - I'll call Daoming Si now!-.

- No!- said Xiaoyou, surprising us all. 

She went towards Shancai and whispered some things.

- Oh, right- Shancai mumbled. - he is with his friends now-.

- Friends?- I asked. - Lei included?-.

Shancai nodded but then she widened her eyes and her expression became sad... ish.

- What?- I asked, worried. - so he left because he wanted to see them and he didn't tell me? Why is that?-.

I was confused.

- N... no- Xiaoyou said. - Lei is not with them. Lei is managing some family issues-.

- Family issues?!- I asked, even more worried. - oh, god. How could he not tell me!-.

I went to grab my phone as Shancai took it out.

- Don't- she said. - he is occupied-.

Hell no. I was going to ask him if everything was okay.

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