Ch. 41: Not Giving Up

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* LEI's POV *

The wedding, I cancelled it. I kept on trying to contact her... but she didn't answer. My friends told me this could be a prank or maybe I had misunderstood her or vice versa. They told me everything would be fine but how could everything be fine with my fiancé missing, maybe kidnapped by a psycho guy who refuses to give up on her.

I wish I had done something before... sent him to prison forever, perhaps beating him up until he begged for mercy. Something that could have kept him away from Rain forever. Not because I wasn't sure whether Rain would stay with me or not, because I didn't want her to get hurt anymore. This guy deserved... Rain deserved revenge. She deserved happiness, she deserves happiness.

- What do I do?- I kept on asking myself, as I was locked in the bathroom.

I was freaking out... I was really doing so. I was shaking and crying, I couldn't help but be in panic. My friends were at my house, they kept on knocking the door and asking if I was fine. I told them that I was but again, how could I be okay with my Rain being lost.

I finally got out of the bathroom. Everyone was waiting for me outside. They were staring at me as if waiting for me to have a crisis or something.

- I'm not fine, okay?- I said. - how could I be fine... it isn't about the wedding, its about her. Gerard is not a good guy... and... and she would never get back to him. This is odd- I was freaking out... again. - it has to be some weird Gerard move. I don't really know the guy, but he was very abusive... and... she... she can't go though him again. She had finally found happiness. This isn't fair-.

- Come on, Lei. Pull yourself together... you'll find another gir- said Ah Si, but he was hit by Shancai. - what?!- he asked her.

- They were in love! They really loved each other... she was irreplaceable for him, and he for her. He can't give up on her so easily!- Shancai said, talking to Ah Si. Then she turned around to stare at me. - I'll help you find her. Let's go to the police station... there's a missing person to report-.

- I'm coming too- Meizuo said.

- And us- Xiaoyou and Ximen said.

- I'm not leaving you guys alone either- said Jing. 

We all hopped on our cars and went to the police station. We reported the disappearance of Rain Collins.

- See, she was about to marry me. And then she ran away... her mother told me that she gave up on me, and that she was going away with Gerard, her ex boyfriend. Gerard was a violent man... he hit her and not only physically but emotionally... we... I need to find her- I told the police officer.

- Darling, this things happen all the time- the police officer said. - she is gone, sir. She isn't coming back. We can't report her as a missing person just because she is a runaway bride-.

- She isn't just a runaway bride... she... she was forced to do so. I'm one hundred percent sure that she hasn't given up on me- I said. - she was forced to do so-.

The police officer sighed.

- What about her parents?- asked. - have they talked to you?-.

- They just told me that she was gone now and not to look for her- I said. - perhaps we could call them to get them here... so that they could tell you the truth-.

- Umm... its fine, we'll handle that- the police officer said. - after talking to them we'll call you to determine if she is a missing person or not. It all depends on her parents. If they say she ran away to this other guy because she loves him, then this over, pal. We can't do anything for you-.

I nodded, even though I suspected that they had been pulled into this mess too. If they were threatened too then they wouldn't speak... but I hoped they'd do so. For the sake of her daughter. They wouldn't just let her go with Gerard, knowing how the guy was.

I mean... god damn it, he had entered their house. He was sick, he was so mad. No parent would ever allow their kid to be with a man like that. To even talk to that kind of person... I was still confused. I wasn't mad at Rain... this wasn't her fault. 

It had to be a threat...

And I'd certainly figure it out soon. I'd go to find Rain and save her. Because I wasn't giving up on her... ever.

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