Ch. 58: Discharged

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* RAIN's POV *

After three days we finally got discharged. It was time now for us to go back home and enjoy ourselves once and for all.

- I have a surprise for you- Lei said, before we entered the house.

I was holding Yuan Ting, who was making a fuss again because she was hungry. I smiled... wondering what was he talking about. 

- I'm nervous now- I said.

- Don't be- he said. - you'll love it-.

I nodded as he opened the door. I looked around me, everything appeared to be the same as always. The living room's couch was there, the T.V. was the same. The kitchen was also the same. I frowned as I kept on wondering what surprise he was talking about. He held my hand as he pushed me to the baby girl's nursery.

- Oh, my god- I said, as I entered.

Our furniture and decoration was perfectly arranged. The last time we had been here, all of our things were thrown all over the floor. Nothing was quite settled. But now, it was all perfectly arranged. I smiled.

- You did this for us?- I asked, with tears in my eyes.

He nodded as I hugged him.

- Aww... this is so cute!- I said. - thanks, Lei!-.

He smiled.

The walls were painted, the crib was placed there... with all of the pillows we had bought. There were pictures of my belly on the walls and also some empty spaces for us to place Yuan Ting's photos. The name "Yuan Ting" was written above the crib, with wooden letters. I placed Yuan Ting on Lei's arms as I took a look all over the place. Curtains were hanging, also there was a place for us to put Yuan Ting's clothes.

- Its so perfect- I said. - aww, I love you!... now I owe you another one. But this time, I know how to make it up to you-.

He frowned. 

I went straight to the kitchen (struggling to walk... see, surgery cuts don't cure overnight) and picked some flour, eggs, butter and other ingredients. I was going to make pancakes for us all... well, Yuan Ting wasn't going to eat them. 

- But first- I said, pulling out a bottle. - let's get the princess some food-.

I poured some milk and gave Lei the bottle. He took it and placed it on little Yuan Ting's mouth, who eagerly drunk the milk. 

- You go sit on the couch- I said. - I'll cook-.

- Baby... your surgery cut isn't healed yet, let me help you- he said.

- Remember what the doctor said, I have to walk. Take this as a walking moment- I said. - come on, I won't hurt myself by cooking some pancakes-.

He sighed and went to the couch as I smiled. I went back to the ingredients and quickly made some pancakes. I walked towards the couch, again struggling due to the cut and the pain it implied to move. It was when I was about to fall that Lei caught me. I smiled.

- Thanks- I said. - the pancakes are done-.

He took the pancakes and left them on the couch and he grabbed my waist and kissed me. I kissed him back. It had been a long time since we had shown this type of affection in between us. We ended the kiss smiling. He helped me get to the couch, where Yuan Ting was sleeping comfortably. 

I handed him one pancake. He ate it. I smiled as I saw his delighted gesture - at least, I had made some edible pancakes. I picked up one and ate it. 

- I'm so happy- I said. - so happy to have you in my life... and also to have little Yuan Ting... you both have made my life happy... I love you-.

He smiled as he wrapped an arm around me. I felt safe and protected. I smiled once again, feeling in home.

- And I love you- he mumbled.

I smiled.

Somebody opened the door all of a sudden. I couldn't quite see who it was, I couldn't turn around because I would rip off my stitches. Lei turned around and stared at whoever the fuck had entere, with a surprised face.

- Who is it?!- I asked, more than worried.

See, there was a tiny part of me that feared that Gerard would (someday somehow) escape from prison. So what I first thought of, meaning who I first thought it was was Gerard.

- Mr. and Mrs. Collins- he said, as I breathed again. - w... welcome!-.

- Mom, dad?!- I asked. - sorry, I can't turn around. What are you doing here?-.

- Visiting, honey!- said my mom. - where's little Yuan Ting?-.

Lei and I looked at each other. This was as surprising for both of us. We laughed as he got up and carried Yuan Ting to them.

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