Ch. 12: Fight

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* LEI's POV *

It was Gerard, her abusive ex boyfriend. What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to protect her?.

- What should we do?- I asked her.

- You, wait in the car. Me... well, punch this bitch in the face- she said.

- Hey, you are being driven by your emotions- I said. - you'll end up hurt and I'll never allow that-.

She couldn't stop staring at him, with anger in her eyes. 

- If you want revenge then I'll do it for you. I'll fight him- I said.

* RAIN's POV *

Lei? Fight Gerard? - I'm trying to be objective here, but it was a no go. Gerard would end up injuring Lei so badly. I couldn't allow that. Lei was the one thing good happening to me right now... 

- No- I said, frustrated. - I'll just talk to him. Stay here- I said. - if he sees you, he'll kill me- I explain. - believe me, he has tried it before...-.

I stood up and walked to Gerard. He was babbling in french, all drunk and hideous. I could smell the alcohol from the bench. He looked at me - I was waiting for a dialogue, a reaction, something.

- You came- I said. - after me, I presume-.

- Yes- he said. - I can't let you go. You are mine, understood?. Now lets book a flight and go back to France-.

- No- I said. - I'm done with you. And I'm so grateful to be done with you. I don't longer want to be with you- I stared right into his eyes. - this is over-.

He was furious. He yelled at me and I ignored him.

- You done?- I asked. - I have to leave now. Have a good life, Gerard- I told him.

- You whore. You have another man! Is that guy your new victim, is he?- he asked. - oh, maybe you came here for him. You met him online, didn't you?-.


- The truth is that I came here because I was done and you kicked me out- I said. - how can you mistreat people like this?. I was never strong enough to face you!- I yelled at him. - perhaps, when you are sober, we can talk like regular people. Mainly about my things... I left some stuff and I want it back. I don't longer will be with you- I pointed out once again. - I'm leaving now... with my new "victim"-.

Lei was waiting for me. I stared at him and he hugged me. Feeling his warmth made me feel comfortable again. He stroked my hair and then held my hand. We went into the car and he drove me home.

- I'm sorry- I said.

- For what?- he asked.

- For my past interrupting one of our moments- I said.

He smiled.

- It doesn't matter. We'll get over it together, okay?- he said.

I nodded.

- Thanks- I said, smiling. - from now on we'll cherish our moments and we won't let anybody or anything ruin them, okay?-.

He smiled and nodded.

- They are only ours- I said. - goodbye!-.

I got out of the car and waved. As I entered home I bit my lower lip. He was an amazing guy - thinking about him made me forget about Gerard's stupidity. He showed up, all drunk, just to bother me. He was in the past... and from now on I'd live the present and forget the past.

That was a good life choice.

- You are back, baby. Why didn't you pick up?- mom asked.

- Umm... the service was terrible.- I justified myself. - what did you want to tell me?-.

- Gerard is back- she said.

No shit.

- I know- I said. - he showed up at the park-.

She seemed confused.

- I was with Lei. We are dating- I said, smiling. - dating, mom. I can't believe it-.

She smiled.

- What about Gerard? What did you do?- she asked, worried.

- I told him to go the fuck away- I said. - and to give me back my stuff. I miss my black dress- my mother sighed. - I didn't fight him. Neither did Lei, I couldn't allow it. How could I ever forgive myself if he got hurt because of my revenge thirst?-.

I looked down. I was upset, I had to admit it. 

- That bastard ruined our moment- I said, angrily. - if he shows up again I swear I'll punch him so hard I'll kill him-.

My mother stared at my fist and then looked at me.

- Thats not who you are, my love- she said. - defend yourself with words. Use your words. They are more powerful than anything else in the world-.

She was right after all. 

Words are the way to go.

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