Ch. 59: Worries

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* RAIN's POV *

I stared at my parents as they held Yuan Ting, who was still drinking her bottle of milk. My mother was fascinated by her, she was talking to the baby and caressing her.

- So, how long are you staying here?- I asked them.

There was no reply. They kept on playing with Yuan Ting, being obsessed by her. I stared at Lei who was just about to laugh... they were ignoring her daughter.

- Hello?- I said, trying to catch their attention.

- W...what, sorry?- my mother asked.

- How long are you staying here?- I asked once again.

- Oh, well... we are staying for two weeks or so- she said, right before she fixed her eyes on the baby girl.

- Here at home or hotel?- I asked.

- Hotel, baby. We don't want to disturb you- my father said.

I stared at Lei, who stared at me. I walked a was away from them as Lei followed me. At least one person listened to me.

- Yuan Ting is being kidnapped by her own grand parents- I whispered, as Lei laughed.

- Let them be- he said.

He held my hand and then leaned closer to me.

- It's our chance to go out and eat, right?. There are no better babysitters than them both- he said.

He was right. After all, we hadn't had any time for ourselves. We had been always taking care of Yuan Ting, or going at the hospital. It was now our chance to be together... alone.

- Yes it is- I said. - I'll change into a normal person's clothes-.

He smiled as I went up to our bedroom. I put on some of my regular black clothes, but this time I took my time to do my make up and to put on some jewelry. I put on my septum piercing, it had been a long time since I had worn it.

I went down happily as I saw Lei, waiting for me. I felt like a princess. He showed me his car keys as he walked towards the door, holding my hand. My parents were still hypnotized by the baby. I smiled.

- We are going for a date!- I said.

There was no response.

- Yeah, yeah- said my mother.

- We won't be here until tomorrow!- I lied.

- Yeah, yeah- she said again.

We both laughed as we went out. I told him to slow down because ibuprofen does not do magic. We went into the car and he took me to a fancy restaurant. I smiled as he helped me out of the car.

- Eight treasure noodles- I orderes.

- Same- said Lei.

I ate the noodles feeling amazing. This mom thing was hitting me pretty hard. No time for make up, or dressing properly. It was just paying attention to the baby 24-7. And of course... we could sleep while she slept. Well, 50% of the time. I don't know if she has nightmares or what but she tends to wake up at random hours crying. After making a fuss and listening to some lullabies she goes back to sleep.

- Wait a moment... we could make a use of our time- I said. - we could actually go shopping, or take a long ass walk. They wouldn't mind-.

- But she would- he said.

Damn it. He was right. Yuan Ting was going to be missing us for the whole day. It was so unfair to leave her for such a long time... what if she was crying now and my parents were asleep?... I know that jetlag hits pretty hard on anybody.

And well... even though she makes fusses, cries because of nothing and doesn't let us sleep we love her and miss her all the time. She is our pretty little thing. Our daughter.

Our beloved daughter.

- You are right- I said.- let's eat and then leave-.

I saw the worry in Lei's eyes.

- Or should we just...- I said.

- Yeah- he said.

We paid and left the place. We rushed to the car, hoping that Yuan Ting was okay. Lei drove until we got back home. I opened the door to see my parents, sleeping with Yuan Ting on their arms.

- Come here, darling- I said, as I picked her up.

I took her to Lei who was missing her as much as I was.  He touched her face with a cute face. I smiled. Parenting is a unique experience... it combines sleep less nights with beautiful moments. It's the definition of happiness itself.

And I thought I had it all when I was with Lei. I guess that having a child (for some people, of course) is another way of feeling complete.

I remember when I was worried about how to raise my child, and about how to be a mother. In the end, it comes out naturally.

It's like a hidden talent or a hidden ability. That of course requires a trigger to be activated.

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