Ch. 36: Missing

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* RAIN's POV *

After all those three weeks of traveling around China, getting to know Lei's friends and having LOADS of fun we went back to London. Lei wanted to ask for my parent's permission to get married. I was so excited but a little bit nervous. What if they said no?... I wouldn't accept it. I would get married anyways.

- Mrs. Collins, Mr. Collins- Lei greeted them. - I've come here to ask for something-.

My parents let Lei in and they all sat on the living room. I made some tea and served them all. For a second I wished the tea was vodka. 

- Rain and I... well... we've decided to get married- I was holding onto his hand so tightly. 

I was so nervous. My father sighed and my mother's eyes were full of tears. They were happy tears, I knew that.

- Even though its hard for me to say this... I have to admit that you are a good guy, Lei. And I'm grateful that you both are happy together- he said. - but if you hurt my daughter...-.

My mother gave him the murderer look.

- He won't- she interrupted him. - this is so great. I want to hug you both. Dear future-son-in-law, I'm so happy that you accept Rain's laziness, madness, craziness and most of all that you were able of curing her broken heart. You are making me cry, guys- she wiped off her tears. - congratulations!-.

Both of my parents hugged us. I was being squeezed so tightly, it felt like I was choking but the love was being transmitted. So I cope with the lack of air. It was worth it. It was all worth it.

- We'll help you make the wedding arrangements- my mother said. - tomorrow we'll go check some dresses out-.

I smiled. I was so excited.

- Would you like to join us, Lei?- my father asked.

I doubted if my father was being possessed or something. 

- No, it's fine. It should be a surprise for me- he said, smiling. - I know Rain has a great taste... she'll pick the ideal one-.

I smiled.

- Well... what do we do now?- I asked him. - do I keep on living with you... do I move in with you completely?-.

- Look, I think your parents might want you around a few days before you move in into my house. Well, our house- he smiled. - anyways, I think you should enjoy some days around with your family before coming with me-.

I nodded.

- Fine- I said. - that way I have time to pack, to maybe buy some new stuff a... wait, what about our classes?-.

- Oh, girl. You are temporarily dismissed- he said. - but after our party... you'll be the piano goddess-.

I smiled.

- I have to get going... let's meet up the day after tomorrow. You tell me if you have picked a dress or whatever and I give you my card- he said.

- You won't pay for the whole thing- said my mother.

- Copy that- I said. 

After a long discussion we sorted out the economical stuff. Then... place?. I thought about London, but it'd be unfair for Lei. I didn't know what to do.

- London is fine- he said. - I love London. And my friends can come over-.

But... and after that?. Oh god, life planning is so difficult.

- Okay, London, then. But... after the wedding...- I said. - wait, there's a wedding to plan first. Then everything else-.

I took a deep breath.

- Do it as you will, baby. I'd want to get married on an outdoor place, but if you are cath- I was about to finish when he started talking.

- Outdoors then. I'm atheist- he said. 

God, this was fast. Fast and efficient. 

- Okay, London, outdoors. When?- I asked.

- We'll have to see... we need to book the place, buy the deco and hire people for DJs and also the food things- he said.

- What if we just hire a wedding planner?- I said, given that I was already stressing out.

- Y... yeah, that's a good idea- he agreed. 

- Well... you should get going before its too late... I love you- I said. - see you soon-.

I kissed his cheek and I saw him leave. I already missed him. I walked over to my bedroom and laid peacefully. I was getting married! I really was!. I turned over, trying to sleep. I felt like something was missing... I really missed having him next to me. I sent him a message: " I can't sleep. I miss you ". He replied right away " Me neither. Can you sing me to sleep? ". I laughed. I called him.

- Hi- I whispered. - what do you want me to sing?-.

- Diamonds- he murmured.

I smiled.

- Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy. You and I, you and I, we're like diamonds in the sky. You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy. When you hold me, I'm alive, we're like diamonds in the sky- I started singing. - I knew that we'd become one right away, oh, right away. At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays. I saw the life inside your eyes. So shine bright tonight, you and I. We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky-.

I could hear only listen to him breathe.

- Are you awake?- I asked. There was no answer. - Lei?- I asked. No answer either. - goodnight, sweetheart- I said, sweetly. 

I left the phone next to me. Listen to his breath calmed me. I fell asleep like that. 

I woke up at 6 a.m., my mother was yelling at me. Not on a bad way, but on an excited I-can't-contain-myself way.

- I miss him- I said.

- Who?- she asked, confused.

- Lei- I said.

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