Ch. 54: Home

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* RAIN's POV *

During all the day tons of people came to see Yuan Ting. First it was Shancai and Ah Si, then it was Xiaozi and Thomas and lastly Xiaoyou and Ximen. Not to sound rude or anything but I prayed for the day to be over. I wanted to rest peacefully once and for all. 

When I thought it was over, meaning that Xiaoyou and Ximen had left, a surprise visit came in. It was Meizuo, with this girl by his side. She introduced herself and Meizuo congratulated us. They both stared at Yuan Ting for some time and then left. After their visit, I gave myself in to sleep.

- Baby I'm sorry but I need to rest- I told Lei. - I'm dying to sleep for just five minutes. Can you handle Yuan Ting on your own?-.

Lei was holding her, playing with her. She seemed to be calm so I didn't need to worry. She'd certainly not give him a hard time. At least until she was hungry or something.

- Y... yeah- he said. - sleep well-.

He came towards me and kissed my forehead.

- I love you- he told me, as I smiled.

He was so cute. I could still remember when I was all drugged up in the surgery room, he was there, beside me. Telling me that everything would be fine. What would I do without my lovely husband... 

He always was there for me. He even travelled around the world to find me, struggling through obsessive fucking Gerard. He accepted my broken heart and healed it, as I healed his. We both were each other's saviors. And we both were now married and with a beautiful daughter. Yuan Ting... I loved her name. It was cute to listen to.

I love this family... belonging to it makes me feel proud.

* LEI's POV *

Rain quickly fell asleep. I was watching Yuan Ting, who was on my arms. She was cooing and fussing a little bit.

- What's wrong, my princess?- I asked her. - you hungry?-.

The baby continued to move around and fuss so I put my finger in her mouth, if she tried to eat it, it would mean that she was hungry - basing of my internet research and my practically non existent experience as a father.

- Yes, you are, gorgeous- I said, as she tried to bite my finger. - lets get you some milk then-.

I gently left Yuan Ting on her crib as I took out a bottle. I filled it with Rain's milk, she had taken it out on the morning. She knew that there would be times when breast feeding wasn't going to be convenient. For example, when she is dead asleep. So she had left her milk for me to give it to the tiny princess when she got hungry.

I picked her up and gave her the bottle. She eagerly drunk the milk as she fell asleep. I smiled. She was so beautiful... she was a mini Rain. Even though she had some of my features, she was mainly Rain. 

- How can you be so beautiful?- I asked her. - guys are gonna die for you... but don't worry, daddy will protect your heart from getting broken. I promise-.

A nurse entered the room silently. I hushed her, pointing at Rain who was asleep. I left the baby on her crib and got out with the nurse.

- What's wrong?- I asked her.

- Oh... nothing. I just wanted to tell Rain that she and her baby will be discharged soon- the nurse said. - it turns out that, even though the baby was born premature, she is quite healthy and so is Rain. I estimate something like three days more and then she can get out-.

I smiled. I was very happy that we could finally go back home.

- Okay, thank you- I said.

I got into the room. I wasn't going to wake Rain up to tell her this, I didn't want to disturb her beauty sleep. I leaned on the couch as I pulled out my phone. I asked for a maid to go clean and organize our house, I also called Xiaoyou, Xiaozi and Shancai. I'd need them as a distraction.

I needed to get some things done. Soon.

* RAIN's POV *

I woke up as I heard Lei's footsteps. I kept on closing my eyes, hoping to go back to sleep again but... guess what, I'm Rain and once I wake up its fucking difficult to go back to sleep.

- What's wrong?- I asked Lei.

- N... nothing, the nurse wanted to tell us that you and Yuan Ting are getting out of here soon- Lei said, smiling. - you both will be home soon-.

I smiled. I couldn't think of anything better than going back home.

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