Ch. 31: Hot Springs

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* RAIN's POV *

We went to sleep but we didn't really sleep. Thats what I'm going to tell you about that night. 

I woke up feeling delight all over my body, I was the happiest woman in the whole planet. 

- What do we do today?- I asked Lei.

- Xiaozi, a friend of ours, invited us to her hotel- he told me. - we can spend some days there if you want. There are hot springs...- he looked at me.

- What about them?- I asked.

- I'm really into them- he told me.

- Then let's go- I said smiling. - I've never, ever soaked in the hot springs-.

He smiled.

- What do we have to bring?- I asked him. - swim suits, what else?-.

* * *

Lei helped me pack everything that we'd need. He called Xiaozi telling her that we were going to stay some days at her hotel. She told us that Ah Si and Shancai were coming too. I was excited about that. But I was more excited about soaking in the hot springs.

- I'm excited- I told Lei, as we got into the car. 

- Me too- he said, smiling.

We arrived at a beautiful hotel. There was a young looking, long haired girl outside. She had to be Xiaozi. I opened the door and got out of the car. I helped Lei with the bags and then walked towards her.

- Hi, you must be Xiaozi- I said. She nodded. - I'm very happy to be here. Thank you for the invitation-. She smiled.

- I'm glad to have you here, people- she said. - Lei, so this is your girlfriend?-.

He nodded.

- Rain- I said.

- Nice to meet you, Rain- Xiaozi said. - come on, let's meet the others-.

She took me to a big dining table. Shancai and Si were drinking what seemed to be tea, there was also a weird guy sitting on one of the chairs. Lei sat beside me. Xiaozi sat next to the guy. 

- Well, everyone. I want to announce my engagement to Thomas- everyone clapped and so did I. - our wedding date is still to be set, but you are all invited to it. My maid of honor will be Shancai- she glanced at Xiaozi and smiled. - you've been there for me, always. I want to thank you for that. Well... now let's make a toast for the wedding!-.

- Tr... translation?- I asked Lei.

- She's getting married to Thomas, that guy over there. Her maid of honor will be Shancai, now we are making a toast for the wedding- Lei told me.

- Oh, right. Thanks, Lei- I smiled.

We took our champagne glasses and made the toast. Everyone said something like "Gambei" and so did I.

* * *

After that Lei and I went to the hot springs. He said something about a lover's pool. I put on my bikini and went there. The heat was very intense - I was wondering how Lei could cope with it. The water was really warm, but the problem was the steam that came out from it. I felt like I'd choke to it.

- Did you know that the hot springs have therapeutic effects?- said Lei.

- No... that's amazing- I said. - I need a drink- I said. - I think I might faint if I don't hydrate-.

- Are you okay?- he asked, worried.

- Yeah, yeah. The heat is just a little bit too much for me- I said. - sorry-.

- Why do you apologize?- he asked.

- You are into them... but I'm not- I said. 

- It doesn't matter- he said. - come on, I'll join you for that drink-.

We got some water and drunk it together. I was feeling a little bit dizzy, as if I were drunk or something. I almost tripped but Lei held me. I was struggling to get air and so I got out of the place to get some fresh one. Lei was by my side.

- God- I said. - I'm feeling okay- I told Lei.

- Good- he said.

- Can you tell me more about Xiaozi?- I asked. - she seems like a really good person-.

- She is indeed- he told me. - she helped Ah Si and Shancai be together. She deserves to find love after all that she had to sacrifice... she was the one who Ah Si's mother wanted Si to marry. She refused just because Shancai and him were in love...-.

- Thats so romantic- I said. - I think that Si and Shancai should right a book or something about their love story-.

He laughed.

- What? It'd surely be a best seller- I said. 

- Thats because I didn't tell you how they got married- he said. - Shancai got tricked to it. She thought she had fainted, or she was dreaming. We all presented ourselves us potential grooms but she still asked for Ah Si. And so they got married... Shancai couldn't believe it-.

I laughed.

- Whose idea was that?- I asked.

- Actually, Ah Si and I thought it through together. Meizuo and Ximen helped to put everything together. It turned out perfect- he said.

I suddenly imagined myself dressed on a white dress. Walking down the aisle to see him, Lei. Wearing some formal clothes. 

Oh, god. What was I thinking?

It had to be the hot springs effect on me.

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