Ch. 44: Again

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* LEI's POV *

Mr. Collins had told me everything. She was here in Lyon, kidnapped by Gerard. That he had forced her to marry... threatening her that if she did not obey him, he'd kill me. 

I immediately went back to Lyon. I was going to find her... I wished to have destiny by my side. I looked all over the place. After a while, I needed to drink something. I went into a supermarket and took a water bottle.

* RAIN's POV *

I went after his voice and found him, holding a water bottle. I wiped my eyes, hoping that what I was seeing was real. I didn't know what to do... I was just there, frozen.

- Miss, are you okay?- a girl asked me.

- I am...- as I said that Lei turned back, staring at me.

I smiled and he did too. I ran into his arms. I could feel his warmth again, as he wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but cry as I was with him once again, I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly. We interrupted the hug and he stared right into my eyes. I smiled as I also cried. 

- I'm sorry- I said. - I shouldn't...-.

- Sh, sh. Its okay now- he said. - you are safe now-.

I cried... and he did too. I... I can't put it to words. The satisfaction of this moment... it was the best thing that had ever happened to me in my life. Well, meeting him was the best thing that had ever happened to me. 

- I love you- I mumbled, as I felt calm in his arms.

- Me too- he said.

He interrupted the hug to give me a kiss. I stopped him...

- One, this is a public place- I said. - two, he might be around-.

He then noticed that I had a black eye. And also that I had bruises all over my body. He sighed with anger... he wanted to kill him as much as I did.

- I'm so damn sorry, Lei. I ruined our wedding- I said. - but... but I couldn't risk your life-.

- Baby, it's fine. You didn't ruin anything... it was him- he had anger in his eyes. - he ruined it all. And he's gonna pay-.

He was about to walk away when I held onto his hand tightly.

- No- I said. - I can't and I won't lose you- I stared right into his piercing dark eyes. - I'm going back to him. We are moving to Paris soon... you should come find me there. If he finds out we talked to each other, he'll kill you-.

- I'm not afraid of dying... I'm afraid of you, suffering- he said, caressing my cheek.

- Don't be. He won't lay a finger on me...- I said. - you... you, follow us to Paris. Be discreet. When you get there, find me on the Eiffel Tower. I'll insist on him to let me go there... once there, you and I can start legal actions against this guy. Don't talk to my mother, she won't say anything. My father...-.

- I talked to him. He told me you were here- he said. 

I nodded.

- God, I'm scared- I said. - I'm scared of losing you again-.

- Then don't- he said. - come with me to China. We can escape and once we arrive there we can start those actions-.

- Thats more clever- I said. - let's go then... before he... he sees us-.

He nodded.

- Wait- I said. - we could disguise ourselves. That way we can escape without being caught by Gerard-.

He smiled.

We picked up some new clothes, I picked up a temporal wash-off hair dye and some make up. We put on our disguise and went straight to the airport. We flew away to China. 

We were inside of the plane. I was falling asleep as he held my hand. I felt safe once again. We were finally getting out of France, that place brought me nightmares.

- I have to get divorced- I mumbled.

- Don't think about that now- he said. - rest now, we'll talk about that later-.

I let my eyes rest. I could now close them without being afraid of anything... knowing that when I waked up, I'd be right there with him. That he'd be by my side. That Gerard would be far away from me... and that he'd never, ever, ever get back. And that his threats, his... his everything were powerless. He wouldn't hurt Lei... he wouldn't do anything. And soon he'd be imprisoned. And Lei and I would get our happily ever after... once and for all.

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