Ch. 16: Masterpiece

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* LEI's POV *

I took her home. I showed her around my apartment, she was amazed. Specially by the balcony. It was true that the view was amazing. 

- Theres only one room- I said. - one bed-.

Well... I had not thought about guests when I came to London. 

- You have the bed, I'll have the couch- I said.

* RAIN's POV *

- I'm the guest, I'll have the couch- I said.

He shook his head. I started to think about a better solution.

- Yes, we are living together. Yes, its rushing too much. But Lei you can't sleep on the couch forever- I said. - we can share the bed-.

He blushed and opened his eyes widely.

- Haven't you ever slept with your mother?- I asked him.

He shook his head.

- Well... see it as that- I said. - I don't want to make it awkward, don't take me wrong. But its unfair for you to sleep here meanwhile I sleep there- I said. - we, americans, do it all the time. I get that China's culture is different but here its more "accepted"-.

His face was red.

Crap, maybe I had gone too far. Chinese people are really traditional. 

- Okay, I'm talking nonsense again- I said. - I keep on fucking it up... sorry- he stared at me, confused. - I've gone too far. I've put you in a situation that you don't feel comfortable with-.

- Do you?- he asked.

I assumed that he was asking if I was comfortable with it. Meaning with the idea of sharing a bed.

- Americans, we are more direct. So as to say that we are comfortable with everything. Awkwardness is not something we really pay attention to- I said. - listen, its just sharing a bed. It doesn't mean that much to me if you are asking that. I mean it does but... I think you get me-.

- Then we will- he said. - if you are okay with it, then I'm okay with it too-.

I smiled.

- I have to make sure that I'm not pushing you, okay?. So let me ask you... is this too much for you?- I asked him.

He shook his head. I nodded.

- Damn it- I said. - I'm still wearing my pajamas-.

I laughed and he did too.

- Are you hungry?- he asked.

- You cook?- I asked, surprised.

- No. I have a microwave and some instant noodles- he said.

I smiled.

- Leave it to me, then- I said. 

I had put my recipe book inside of the bag too. I couldn't leave it at home... and I somehow knew that I'd have to use it soon. I took it out and showed it to Lei.

- Magic- I said, as I turned to the kitchen.

I decided to prepare some pizza. I'm really not that good cooking, but following a recipe is quite easy for me. 

I put the recipe book on one of the counters. I took out the things I needed and started cooking. I was getting bored so I called Lei, who was watching the TV.

- Would you like to help me?- I asked.

- N... not really. I'm a terrible cook- he said.

- I'm terrible too. I guess than two terrible cooks are better than one- I said.

He came towards me and stared at all the things looking confused.

- Don't worry- I said. - making pizza is easier than you thought- I said. - I'll make the dough and you'll make the sauce. Oh... do you like pizza?-.

- Yes- he said.

- Okay then. Follow the books' instructions- I said. - its quite easy-.

I hadn't payed attention before but he was quite tall. God, or was I too short?. 'Get back to cooking' I told myself.

He nodded and took out a bowl.

After mixing things, breaking eggs and stirring for some good hours we finally were able to cook the pizza. We put it in the oven and high-fived.

- Thats team work- I said.

- Couple work- he corrected.

I smiled. Aww... he reminded me again than apart from being like my best friend he was also my boyfriend. God, 'boyfriend' - that sounded strange. If only I could use a more powerful word... that described that he was the one beside me, he could calm me, he could make me laugh. He knew exactly how to manage me... he was able to stand me... and thats a lot to ask. 

* * *

We waited while watching the TV. I was excited to try our masterpiece. We had put an alarm on both of our phones. We were watching some weird chinese program when both of them rang. We looked at each other and ran to the oven. He pulled it out.

- Be careful, don't burn yourself- I said, worried.

- Listen, I'm a terrible cook but I'm pretty caring- he said.

I laughed.

- It looks delicious- I said.

- If you say so- he said.

I opened my mouth and he began to run. I chased him.

- Lei!- I yelled at him. - you idiot!-.

I ran after him until he caught me, he picked me up bridal style.

- This actually reminds me of something- I said. - when I tripped and you saved me- I smiled. - you can be cute from time to time-.

I said, while playing with his hair.

- Just kidding, you are always cute- I said. 

I hopped off of him and went to try our masterpiece. 

- You try it first- I said.

- No, you try it first- he said.

- Don't you have faith on my cooking skills?- I asked him.

He didn't say a word.

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