Ch. 53: Yuan Ting

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* LEI's POV *

The nurse took the crib towards us, as she passed the baby to Rain, who opened her arms to receive our little fighter. Peanut was no longer a peanut...

Rain was almost crying of joy as she held Yuan Ting, who cooed and moved her tiny little arms around. I felt amazing. It felt amazing to have a family, somewhere I belonged to. Somewhere where I felt like me.

- Hi, baby- she mumbled to her.

I got closer to them and played around with Yuan Ting's arm. She held on tight to my finger... I smiled.

- Would you like to hold her?- Rain asked me.

- Ho... how... how do you hold a baby?- I asked her, nervous.

- Two hands. One to the butt and the other one to the head, then wrap around your arms and firmly hold on to her- she said. - it comes out naturally-.

I smiled as she passed me the baby. I held her as I could. I knew I would get loads of practice and, as they say, practice makes perfect.

Yuan Ting seemed to be smiling. I excitedly showed it to Rain, who smiled back.

- Oh, you little princess- she said with a baby voice. - you smiling to your daddy?-.

The baby cooed and moved around. Her eyes were closed, she seemed to always be sleeping. I had investigated about newborns... right before I fell asleep on the couch. I read that they tend to keep their eyes shut until... well, I slept in that part. Sorry.

- So cute- I said. - she looks just like you-.

Rain blushed. She pointed out her eyes and told me that they looked like mine. 

- Her nose... its so yours- I said. - look, and her lips-.

Rain laughed.

- She's still a baby... she needs to grow up so we can see if she is more similar to you or to me- she said. - but I bet that she will be your clone. The feminine version of Lei-.

I laughed.

- And what makes you think that?- I asked.

- Well, just look at her- she said. - she is as beautiful as you are... well, you are handsome. Whatever, you got me-.

I smiled.

- Hi!- I heard a voice from behind me, it was Ah Si and Shancai.

They got into the room holding some balloons that said "Its a Girl" and some chocolates and presents. They greeted Rain and then stared at Yuan Ting nonstop.

- You got a name for her?- Shancai asked.

Rain and I looked at each other.

- Yuan Ting- we said, at the same time.

- Aw, that's so original- she said, smiling. - Xiaozi said that she's passing by later, she had to do something with Thomas. Also Xiaoyou and Ximen called me to congratulate you, they are also passing by later-.

- And Meizuo?- I asked.

- Well, he's pretty lost- Ah Si said. - I think his dating this new chick-.

- Dating?- Rain asked, surprised. - looks like he finally got a girlfriend!... no offense-.

We all laughed.

- He used to date a girl name Caina, but she left him- Ah Si said. - poor, heartbroken Meizuo-.

Rain laughed.

- Well, he's now got a girl, right?- she said. - send my luck to him-.

Ah Si smiled.

- How is that baby doing?- he asked.

- She was born premature... still, she's doing great- she said. - she's recovering pretty fast. My gorgeous little princess- she stared at the baby, who was still on my arms. - here's a popularly asked question... is she a mini Rain or a mini Lei?-.

Both of them got closer to the baby, analyzing her features with detail. They both were staring at her, but none of them jumped into a conclusion. They were just focused on her.

- Her... I mean- Shancai started saying. - she is alike to you both, guys. She's a mini both-of-you-.

- Nah- said Ah Si. - she is more Rain-like-.

- But look at her eyes- she said. - those are Lei's-.

They started arguing about her until they got tired of it. After that, they asked to hold her. Shancai was pretty good with babies. She held her on the right way and even gave me some advise. On the contrary, Ah Si struggled to hold her and needed some help from Shancai, who laughed a little bit but still helped him. 

- Dumbass, you need to hold on to her butt- she said. - if not, she'll fall-.

- No, but... what if we do it like this- Ah Si moved around the baby.

I was a tiny little bit nervous to see Yuan Ting on Ah Si's hands. Not that I didn't trust him or anything... he tends to be (sometimes) clumsy and stubborn. Well, he's always stubborn. After a while he got the grip of it and held her right.

I clapped and Rain did too. 

He glanced at us as if he would kill us.

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