Ch. 55: Good Cause

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* RAIN's POV *

- With such good news it'll be hard for me to go back to sleep- I said.

- You say so?- he said.

I raised my eyebrows, confused.

- Come on- he said. He sat by my side. He wrapped an arm around my neck.

Feeling him this close calmed me and made me want to fall asleep by his side, even though I knew that when I woke up he'd be on the couch or something. 

- Are you a wizard?- I asked, as I snored.

- Nope- he said. - I'm just your husband. I know love magic-.

I smiled and I got closer to him. I felt like my whole body was tearing apart, specially right there on the abdomen. I felt as if I had a big cut - I mean, I had a big cut. But still... the pain was worth it. I hadn't been so close to him in so much time. I needed him. I needed some affection from my husband. I needed to feel him even closer. 

I felt the urge to sleep as I slowly closed my eyes. I gave myself to sleep once again. This time I hoped not to be woken up by anybody, not to sound rude or anything. My sleep quality had been really crappy since the c-section. Sleeping in constant pain was hard. Also, having a nurse coming in every five minutes to check the gauze, clean the wound, get some blood tests. It was very annoying.

It didn't matter whether it was three a.m., four p.m. or eight p.m. The nurses came in anyways. I felt great because it was amazing to have them around making sure nothing is wrong, but yet... I need to sleep, darling.

* LEI's POV *

Rain fell asleep once again. This time on my arms. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I was feeling sleepy too, but I was technically on call. I wouldn't let neither my daughter nor my wife down. I had to make sure that Yuan Ting was fine and also that Rain had some rest. After all, it was her who had to give birth to another human being.

And also it was her the one who wasn't able to get rest... I felt really sorry for Rain. I kept on wondering what I could do for her, so if she asked me to do something, I'd do it without hesitation. If this meant staying awake, then I'd have to do it.

I got up slowly, praying for nobody to wake up. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone again. The girls were coming over today, but later. The maid was already on it and still my part had to be done. It would be a pity for me to not be near my family, but I needed to do it. It was a... gift, if we could call it like that.

- Girls- I sent a voice message. - come over at that hour then. Be punctual, please. Thanks!-.

After that they sent messages like: "Why? ", "Punctual? ". If I answered those and told the girls my plan, the chances of them spilling the beans were to high to risk it. So I lied... "Family issues. I need to meet with them " I told them. Then I told them not to say it to Rain because she would get worried. It was pretty well thought. I was proud of myself.

Everything was settled then. The distraction was created. The only thing I needed is to be fast. I had to use time, and I didn't have that much. Two hours, three tops. But who knows... girls usually take their times, right?. And with Yuan Ting, they'd certainly want to be around there for a long time. I hoped for them to be there for three hours. I was almost counting on it.

Meanwhile, I asked from help from the guys. They all told me they'd help me. Having the guys by my side meant that I would be more efficient and, hopefully and with a lot of luck, need less time.

I now began to think of it as a master plan. Rain would thank me forever... this was the best way to gift them both at the same time. 

* * *

After some hours, the girls came over. It was now time for me to get started. I hoped for everything to run smoothly. According to my calculi, we had two or maybe three hours to get everything over with. Meanwhile, Rain would have a nice time with the girls around.

- Babe- I said. - I need to get some stuff done, okay?. Stay with the girls, I'll be back soon-.

I knew she was going to ask me what, but instead I kissed her forehead and left quickly. I felt bad for lying to her... but it was for a good cause.

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