Ch. 27: Voice

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* RAIN's POV *

- Rain!- said Lei.

- Yeah?- I asked.

- We should go... we'll get back later, okay?- he said.

I nodded and I stood up.

- It was a pleasure, Shancai- I said. - see you later-.

- Bye!- she said, in English.

I smiled. I walked towards Lei, he held my hand and took me to a cab who was waiting for us outside.

- I can't believe you told me you loved me- I said. - I thought you were going to do so in the music room. I was... I was so nervous-.

He smiled.

- Believe me, I was waiting for you to tell me... I knew you did, but I had to do it first. It feels amazing now- he told me. - it was difficult... I had never told this to anyone before-.

- What?- I was confused.

What about Jing and Shancai?... not to bring up other relationships. This wasn't the moment.

- I'm so honored- I told him. I squeezed his hand. - I love you. I like to say that- he laughed. - I do too- he said. I laughed.

Was this what love felt like? Happiness, craziness and a lot of feelings mixed up together? 

* * *

We went back home where I did my make up again and stared at Lei for a long time. I just couldn't believe it - could I ever be happier than this?. I couldn't stop smiling. 

Suddenly, I went in to hug him. I wanted him near me... because loving him was driving me crazy. We kissed - this time it was a passionate kiss. We were interrupted by a maid who laughed and then stuttered.

- Whats wrong?- Lei asked in chinase.

* LEI's POV *

She definitely interrupted something. It had to be big.

- Theres a woman calling- she said. - she is asking for you-.

I went to answer the phone as I explained to Rain that somebody was calling me. It was my mother, she wanted to come home later. I thought she was in France or something.

- Umm... I'm busy here- I said, trying to make up an excuse. - I'm going to London in a few weeks, couldn't we meet there?-.

- As you say, son- she said.

- Okay, then. Bye- I hang up.

* RAIN's POV *

- Is everything okay?- I asked, worried.

- It... it was my mother- he told me. - she is not a very good person, Rain. She wanted to come home one of this days, I put our meeting off until when we get to London. The thing is that... I don't really want to meet up with her- he explained. - can we stay a little longer?-.

- Sure, Lei. Are you okay?- I asked.

- Not really- he said.

- Come here- I said.

I hugged him.

- Don't worry, Lei. We'll figure this out- I said. - what is that worries you the most... the part of her talking to you, what the meeting is about... why she wants to meet up with you?-.

- I'm worried because I haven't seen her on a long, long time. And because she'll want to meet you... I mean, she always insisted on me marrying Jing. But I won't do it... I don't love her. And... even though its too soon to say, I'd like to marry you. But in the future, you get it, right?- he said.

- Totally- I said. - but I know I can be pretty conflictive... and I don't deserve you-.

- Neither do I- he said.

- Lei, I mean that... I'm not as...- I couldn't put it in words. - listen, I'm not successful. I'm not famous, I... I don't have anything special... at all-.

- You do- he said. I stared at him like saying "What?". - your voice-.

He was right. I could sing. I sometimes forget about it.  

- And, of course, you yourself are special- he said.

I smiled.

- You are special too- I said. - at least to me. And don't worry, we'll figure it out. We always do. She'll accept me... I'll charm her with my... charm?-.

He laughed.

- I'm sure you will- he said, smiling. - anyways, the problem is that she tends to rush things. She will surely push us to get married soon and I don't want you to be under that much pressure. Its unfair-.

- As I said, we'll figure something out- I said. - there's nothing that doesn't have a solution-.

We hugged once again. 

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