Ch. 19: Date

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* RAIN's POV *

He got out of the bathroom wearing his casual clothes. We held hands and went out of the house. He drove me to a nice park.

We sat on a bench, still holding hands. We looked at each others eyes - it felt so wonderful. I smiled and he did too. He leaned towards me and kissed me. This kiss was passionate but yet soft, a little bit discreet (even though we were on one of those parks were people tend to make out... everywhere). 

- I'm looking forward to go to China with you- he said. - we could stay two weeks, if its okay with you-.

- The longer, the merrier- I said. - its not that I hate London... but I prefer being abroad. And we have to meet your friends and you also have to show me around. That'll take us a long time-.

He smiled.

- Lets make it three then- he said.

I nodded.

- Three is okay- I said. - I've always wanted to taste that thing chinese people eat... sweet and sour pork?-.

He laughed.

- I have a friend... Shancai- he said. - she is a cook. Thats her mother's specialty-.

Shancai... the girl that chose another. 

- Don't worry, I'm over her. I'm with you now- he said, as if he could read my mind.

My jealousness calmed down. Thanks, Lei.

- Talk to me about them... I want to get to know them a little bit. So as to maybe recognize them or associate a face with a name. Because Lei is an easy name, but theres chinese names I... I just can't pronounce- I said.

- Daoming Si, you can call him Ah Si if thats too hard to remember. He is Shancai's husband. He is the most childish, sometimes selfish guy that I've ever met- he said. - but Shancai made him good. She changed him into a gentleman. Meizuo... Meizuo has an elephant's memory. I don't really have that many things to say about him. He is a good person... even though his love life is a disaster- he pointed out the word 'disaster'. - then we have the tea obsessive Ximen who's girlfriend is Xiaoyou, Shancai's best friend-.

Okay... damn it, there were thousands of names I'll have to link to faces. So... Ximen was the tea freak who's girlfriend was Xiaoyou. Daoming Si was the childish one who's wife was Shancai, Meizuo was the elephant memory one who had lots of love failure. And Xiaoyou was Shancai's best friend. I had to take all that down.

- Holy shit, you have friends- I said. - weirdly named friends-.

He laughed.

- Please, this is nothing- he said. - I'm not done yet-.

Damn it.

He talked about Shancai's parents, who were hard workers. Also he talked about Daoming Si's bitchy mother, who was way too materialist. He told me that Daoming Si's father had died and after that she became a cruel woman - interested in money and not caring about Si's emotions. She also banned Si from seeing Shancai... several times. Just because she wasn't a high class girl.

- Why would she be so cruel?- I asked. - we can't control our emotions, we don't choose who to love- I said. - and also... what does money have to do with our manners and our heart?-.

- Well, the thing is that she changed after letting Si and Shancai marry- he explained. - she became a good person. Now she is traveling abroad- he said. - Shancai is happy. They sent me a message not long ago... they said they missed me. Now we're going to visit them... its a surprise. To everyone but Meizuo, Ximen and Xiaoyou-.

I nodded.

- Ah! I can't wait to go there... I'm so excited- I said, happily. - crap, I left my suitcases at home. We have to go fetch them- I said. - I know we are not leaving tomorrow but I want to fetch them now. I'm too excited to wait-.

He smiled.

- Then lets go- he said, holding my hand.

He drove me to my house. The last time I had been there... well, that didn't bring any good memories to me. I rang the bell and my mother opened up the door. I smiled and ran to my room. Lei was behind me, greeting everyone. He had to do so... he is such a gentleman. Not only with me but with everyone. 

I entered my room, feeling tense. It was something of it... it brought that hideous memory back. I opened up my closet and took out two enormous suitcases. I pulled them out of the room, Lei was there. He insisted on helping me. My parents were staring at us confused.

- Well, I'd like to take your daught- I interrupted him. - we are going to China. Like a vacation. Three weeks. When are we leaving?- he stared at me.

- If your parents allow us to go, the day after tomorrow- he said.

- I can't wait! Oh, damn it. Okay, so... you can come and say goodbye at the airport if you want- I told my parents. 

- China? By yourselves?- my father asked.

- Dad, he is chinese- I said. - and we are meeting his friends. They are good people-.

- Fine! Have a great trip!- my mother said. My father wanted to kill her. He stared at her, like saying 'Aren't you going to refuse?'. - darling, they are adults. They don't need our permission. They were kind enough to ask for it- she turned back to us. She smiled. - anyways, don't let this old man's feelings interfere. Have a great trip!-.

I smiled.

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