Ch. 46: News

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Please note that I know almost nothing about law ;)

* LEI's POV *

After having my (I don't know how) well cooked pancakes she went straight to sleep. I joined her too. She put her head against my chest as she closed her eyes. This feeling was so great... to have her around once again. I really missed her... and the combination of missing her and also knowing that she wasn't okay had been killing me. 

She had been missing for what... a month, or so?. But it really felt like a life time. It felt like years had gone by... and for her it must have been even worse. Standing Gerard's madness and irrationality must have been very hard for her.

I stroked her hair as she was slowly beginning to fall asleep. I closed my eyes too and let myself rest with her by my side. I felt, once again, complete.

* RAIN's POV *

After falling asleep in Lei's arms I woke up, feeling new. 

- Oh damn it- I said, as I remembered something. - we had the dinner with the guys and we forgot-.

- Hello, gorgeous. Good morning- he said. - I cancelled it when I began to cook pancakes. What would be the point in eating twice?-.

I smiled.

- You are so intelligent- I said, smiling. - thanks for being the brains while I'm the stomach-.

He laughed. He stroked my hair and pulled me towards him. I smiled as he kissed me and I kissed him back. Suddenly, the door opened. I was startled by it and covered myself with the sheets... even though I was dressed.

- Lovebirds, we came to have breakfast- said Ah Si. - I knocked but you didn't answer... so I got in instead-.

- Next time, knock harder- said Lei.

I laughed.

- Well, anyways. We are waiting for you- he winked as he got out of the room. Once he was out, he yelled. - take your time!-.

I smiled as I put on some decent clothes and I brushed my hair. I didn't actually have anything to put on... I didn't have clothes, make up, hydrating cream. Nothing, literally. So I just brushed my hair and got out of the bathroom.

- I guess I need some clothes- I said, as I itched my head.

- Good point- he said. - my clothes won't fit you. You are too tiny- I smiled. - I'll ask Shancai to lend you some-.

I nodded.

- Meanwhile... well, use the same outfit- he said. - no one will notice- he was about to get out when he realized something else. - and your make up, right. I'll take you shopping later, okay?-.

I nodded once again.

We got out of the room to find our kitchen, full of people. There were whisky, beer and several alcohol bottles all around the place. Shancai was cooking something while she was being assisted by Ah Si. Ximen was preparing some cocktails and the rest were just talking to each other, not doing anything in particular. Probably waiting for the drinks to arrive. 

I laughed as I saw so many people. As we went down, they stared at us. Then they clapped.

- Finally, the couple has arrived!- said Xiaozi, who was sitting next to Thomas. - come on, join us here!-.

Lei and I looked at each other for a second, we had just woke up... we weren't expecting this mess. At least not now, so early in the morning. Anyways, despite this whole thing going on that we couldn't yet understand (I fucking needed some coffee before even beginning to think straight and logically), we joined them happily.

It was great to have friends like this. Who always cheered you up, who made cocktails for you. Who brought booze to your house and surprised you in this way. 

- I have news for you- Lei said.

- What type of news?- I asked. - are they good or bad?-.

- Mmm... I don't really know- he said.

- In other terms, do I need to have some whisky or do I not?- I asked him.

- Y... have the whisky- he said.

I drank a glass and then he started talking.

- So, in order for you to get a divorce with this man in the most... "legally correct" way, you should sue him for damages in general- he said. - psychological and physical trauma, including the kidnapping. Tell them about his threat and in that way you justify your parents' lie. I can be there with you if you want so-.

I nodded.

- I'll need you there- I said. 

- I'll get you the best lawyer, okay?- he said.

- Okay- I said. - thank you for helping me figure this shit out-.

He smiled.

- Oh, and we should do all of this when we get back to London- he said. - we need to do it there because its their case, after all-.

I nodded.

- So... when are we going back, then?- I asked.

- Umm... is tomorrow too soon?- he asked.

- I... I guess it's fine. Its not like I have to pack anything, right?- I laughed of my own joke. - o... okay-.

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