Ch. 26: Performance

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* RAIN's POV *

After drinking some coffee and having some cookies we went to Daoming Si's house. We stood up in front of their house, Lei was carrying his violin and I... well, I had my vocal cords with me. We rang the bell and waited for them to get out. 

They got out, I smiled.

Lei started playing the violin; it was time for me to start singing.

- Say something I'm giving up on you. I'll be the one if you want me too. Anywhere I would've followed you. Say something I'm giving up on you - I sang, as Lei played the violin.


It was Lei, Lei with a blondish girl. He was playing the violin and she was singing along. Her voice was so beautiful, and Lei's violin sounded amazing. I stared at Daoming Si, who was just as confused as I was.

- And I, I'm feeling so small. It was over my head. I know nothing at all. And I, will stumble and fall. I'm still learning to love. Just starting to crawl- she sang, in English. - Say something I'm giving up on you. I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you. Anywhere I would've followed you. Say something I'm giving up on you-.

The last time we had heard from Lei it was not so long ago, and he was still in London. What was he doing here? Why was he singing to us?.

* LEI's POV *

- And I, will swallow my pride. You're the one that I love. And I'm saying goodbye. Say something I'm giving up on you. And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you. And anywhere I would've followed you- she sang, with her perfect pitch. She was so amazing. In every way. - Say something I'm giving up on you- she was about to finish. - Say something I'm giving up on you. Say something-.

Both, Shancai and Si, clapped as they ran to me.

I was staring at Rain.

- I love you- I mumbled. 

* RAIN's POV *

Did he just... say... well, mumble... th... those words?. My eyes widened. The moment was interrupted by Shancai and Daoming Si, who ran to Lei to hug him. I smiled. I walked towards Lei... I was too afraid to ask.

- I did- he said.

- What?- Daoming Si said something in chinase.

Daoming Si and Shancai backed off. They cleared up the way so I could stare at Lei's eyes. I smiled. I didn't know what to do, say or act.

- I love you- he told me, now without mumbling.

I laughed.

- I do too- I said. - I love you, Lei-.

My eyes were all watery. We hugged each other. I could hear some gasps from behind me, Daoming Si and Shancai were certainly not expecting this... neither was I. He was confessing to me... and I had had the courage to confess to him too. When the hug ended I cleared up my tears and stared at Si and Shancai, who were staring at us.

- My name is Rain Collins, I'm Lei's girlfriend- I told them, smiling. - its a pleasure to meet you-.

They smiled and greeted me.

- So, you are from London?- Daoming Si asked.

- Yes- I answered. - I've brought you both some gifts- I said. - but we might need you all joined together somewhere in order to... consume it-.

* * *

Daoming Si called Meizuo and Ximen, they agreed on coming at night. Meanwhile, Daoming Si and Shancai would host us for lunch. I thanked them both. Their house was even bigger than Lei's. 

- You have a beautiful house- I told them.

We ate something called "Eight Treasure Spicy Noodles" with pineapple. 

- Shancai participated on a chinase cuisine competition, this was the dish that made her win- Daoming Si explained.

I tasted it.

- God, this is good- I told Si. - good job, Shancai-.

I wasn't dumb. I knew she couldn't quite understand me - but well, Daoming Si would translate. Shancai smiled.

- Thank you- she said, in English.

I smiled back. 

After finishing our dishes Lei and Si kept on talking, Shancai and I went away to the living room. I pulled out my translator app - it'd make everything easier, right?.

- How long have you been married?- I asked Shancai.

I showed her the translator app.

- It has already been 1 year- she told me. Thanks to the translator, I knew that meant that they had been married for 1 year now.

- Congratulations- I told her.

- Thank you- she said.

- I've bought you a perfume- I told her. I started digging in my bag until I found a little bag with the perfume inside. - here you got-.

- Thank you- she said. - you didn't have to do it-.

I smiled.

- I have another one for Xiaoyou but I wasn't able of giving it to her yet- I told her. - I can't believe Lei told me he loves me-.

She smiled.

- I remembered when I confessed my feelings to Daoming Si- she said. - it wasn't easy... at all. But it felt so great afterwards-.

She was right. It must have not been easy for Lei to do so... but I was sure that him (and I) were feeling great - it was a part of being sincere to each other.

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