Ch. 20: Packing

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* RAIN's POV *

My mother had handed me two big bags filled with my clothes before leaving my house. Okay... now I had to pack. It had to be enough for three weeks. I had done this before. Traveling is actually something I love.

We got home. I helped Lei bring my empty suitcases into the house and then I started packing.

- Lei, don't you have to pack?- I asked.

- I have a house there- he said. - with clothes and my stuff. I don't quite have to bring anything-.

I nodded. That was pretty smart.

- Then help me- I said. - please-.

I stashed a lot of clothes into the first suitcase. In the second one I'd put some shoes, toiletries and shit I'd never use but I had to pack just in case. And more clothes, of course. Lei helped me close them. I sighed. It was finally over. I hate packing.

- Now, I'm in need of something...- I said. 

Lei looked at me. I could swear he was expecting me to say "you". It was a good idea to say "you"... but I'm Rain Collins, a direct and determined woman. Who apart from needing Lei was starving.

- Food- I completed.

He sighed.

- And well, my handsome boyfriend- I said, smiling.

He smiled. He walked towards me and stared at me. I smiled. I was waiting for a kiss but he walked past me and then went to the kitchen. This time I sighed. He picked up an instant noodle box and put it inside the microwave.

- Crap, the recipe book- I said.

I took it and stashed it in the second suitcase.

- I can't believe you are taking that thing- he said.

- 'That thing' is what will keep us alive- I said. - without it, then we'd have to eat instant noodles all day long-.

- I have maids- he said.

- I don't care- I said. - I'll cook for us-.

He laughed.

- Please, do not prepare pizza- he said.

I stared at him.

- Haha, how funny- I said. - I won't-.

I smiled.

The microwave sang its song. The noodles were ready. This time we shared them. He was starving too. 

- God, you are such a good cook- I said.

He stared at me.

- Thank you- he said, proudly.

- No... I was talking to the microwave- I said.

I laughed. He kept on staring at me, motion less.

- Oh, god. I've made him angry- I said.

I ran away as he chased me. He ended up catching me. I was against a wall and he trapped me between his arms. I smiled. I leaned towards him and we kissed. I was holding his shirt and I was also on my tip-toes. 

After the kiss ended we went back to eating our noodles.

Later on I showered, put on my pajamas and went to sleep. I laid on the bed and stared at him, who was using his phone. I pulled it away from him and stared at his eyes. He was so damn hot. 

- I was wondering... your house has guest rooms, right?- I asked him.

He nodded.

- Damn it- I said. - I've gotten used to sleeping beside you. And when I have nightmares, you are right there. Couldn't we pretend that the guest rooms don't exist?-.

He smiled.

- I guess we could do so- he said.

I smiled back.

I laid on the bed once again, I put my head on the pillow and fell asleep. After a good night sleep I woke up. I was being bothered by a bug or something. I kept on feeling something on my eyelashes. I woke up to see that it was Lei, staring at me.

- Are you into staring at me when I sleep?- I asked.

He smiled.

- No... you just looked like an angel- he said.

Thats because he didn't watch himself sleeping. He is way more angelical than me. When I wake up I look like a monster. My hair tends to tangle and my face gets a little bit chunkier... I don't look like an angel at all. But if he said so...

- You too do look like an angel... but its not only when you sleep, its all the time- I said. - crap, did I say that or did I think it?-.

He kissed my cheek.

- I've told you... you always look beautiful- he said, making my heart flutter.

What a wonderful way to wake up. With this dreamy man staring at me and complimenting me. My heartbeat always raised when I was near him, when he complimented me or said cute things about me it made my heart flutter. 'I think I'm falling for him...' I thought. 

What? Did I just think that?. Falling for him... well... I did feel something more than attraction towards him. It was a feeling I couldn't put to words. It was too difficult to explain.

God... what if I loved him?

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