Ch. 61: Ji... what?!

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* LEI's POV *

It couldn't be her. She was in France, why did she come here?. I felt the urge to go ask her, but before I had to tell Rain who she was.

- She's Jing- I said.

- Jing your...- she said.

- Yes- I said. - I wonder what she is doing here. I'll go ask her-.

- Wait- she stopped me. - it's over, right?-.

I nodded.

- Baby, I'm completely in love with you. There's no one else but you and Yuan Ting in my heart- I assured her.

She nodded as she let me go. I went out of the car, Jing was staring at me.

- You... you both got married, right?- she asked.

- Yes we did- I said. - after all, we found each other. We... we just came from the hospital-.

I knew she didn't know. She was invited to the wedding, but she didn't show up. And, taking that into count, she also didn't know about the baby. Unless somebody had told her. But I didn't think so.

- Are you okay?- she asked, worried.

- It was Rain... she tripped and her...- it was time to drop the bomb. - her c-section wound opened up-.

Her eyes widened.

- C... c-section?- she asked.

- We had a baby girl- I explained.

Jing looked surprised. Guess nobody had told her... just I thought so.

- I... I'll help her out of the car- I said.

I went to the car as I helped her out of the car.

- Don't pick me up, please- she begged. - I don't want to look like a weakling-.

I sighed.

- Everything running smoothly?- she asked.

I nodded as I held her arm.

- Come on, let's get you to the couch- I said.

I helped her get into the house and I left her by the couch. I went back to pick the baby up.

* RAIN's POV *

I was sitting on the couch, staring at this chick named Jing. I smiled at her.

- Hi- I said. - I'm Rain-.

- I know- she said.

She sounded mad or something. I didn't quite get her. Was she mad because I was married to him?

Lei came back holding Yuan Ting, who was wide awake. Jing smiled and got closer to her. I cursed mentally, thinking that due to my clumsiness I couldn't interfere. I felt a little bit jealous.

I texted Shancai asking for info about her. She told me that she was a good and nice girl. But... how could she be nice if she was so... I don't have a word. So...

- Rain!- I heard Lei.

- Wh... what?- I asked.

I was lost on my thoughts and I hadn't heard what Lei was saying.

- Are you okay?- he asked.

- Y... yes- I said.

I stared at Jing, who was holding Yuan Ting. I didn't know what to do... I was feeling now more jealous.

- Feeding time!- I said.

I tried to get up but then I realized that the pain was too much.

- Oh, crap- I said.

Mission failed.

- Here- Jing handed me the baby. - she's beautiful-.

I smiled.

- Baby, could you hand me a milk bottle?- I asked.

Lei went to the kitchen and Jing followed him. I felt badly because I was not trusting my own husband... well, I mean... the problem wasn't him. It was her. I felt jealous because of her. The one whom I didn't trust was her.

He came and gave me the milk bottle. Yuan Ting drunk eagerly. Jing sat by my side, thing that made me feel uncomfortable. But I had to think of her as Lei's friend. Who... well... possibly had feelings for my husband, but well... a friend after all.

- You are such a great family- said Jing. - I knew that you had moved to China, so I thought about passing by. But I never thought that you'd be married and with such a gorgeous little girl-.

I was staring at her, waiting for... I don't know what. Perhaps an apology or something.

- Well... I truly expected something else. But its life, and time flies. Opportunities come and go. So I'm off now. Have a good life, guys- she said.

She got up and carried her Louis Vuitton outside, she waved and then closed the door.

- I'm sorry- Lei apologized. - I should've talked to her... I know that it was a shitty experience for you...-.

I caressed his cheek.

- Please,baby, it was shitty because I made it shitty...- I said. - I'm a very jealous person-.

- No shit, Sherlock- he said.

I laughed.

- Well... run, tell her to stay to eat. She must have travelled a long time- I said.

I couldn't be such a bad person. She had come from France to visit his friend and I was feeling jealous.

Lei got up and ran to Jing, calling out her name. I smiled.

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