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"Bring me my beer! Now!" - my father yelled for the tenth time this morning. What could I do except listen to him?
I still haven't healed from the bruises he gives me every day. I have to put tons of creams and makeup to cover them so the students and teachers in my school won't notice.

I was sitting in my room studying math, preparing for tomorrow's exam. My father yelled once again. Alcohol, what else?
I stood up from my chair and went to the kitchen.
"Dang it." - I whispered, not wanting him to hear me. This was the last bottle.
What am I going to do now?

I took it from the shelf and brought it to him.
"Make me something. I'm hungry!"
- he yelled again and grabbed the bottle from my hands.
Will this man ever learn how to speak normally?
He's been like this for years. Ever since my mom passed away. He changed completely. Back then, we were a happy and a humble family. My mom and dad loved each other so much, they were inseparable. I was the happiest child in the world. Seeing them like that was my blessing and happiness.

But, just til then. That is a past that's never coming back.
Now, everything is different.
My only relatives that lived nearby left couple years ago. They were the only ones that could protect me. But they are gone, too. I only have my best friend in this world. I lost everyone I loved.

I don't know how I lasted til now. I have no idea how I had the nerves to not commit suicide because of my father.
I can't recognize him. He's totally different. He has become someone else.

I took plates from the shelves in the kitchen and started making him lunch. I ate while he was out so I was relieved.
I didn't want to sit on the same table with him anymore. He's slowly turning into a monster, despite the fact that he's my father. I wish there was an end to this. Forever.

But, who? Who could save me from this prison and this man? No one, except myself.
Should I run from home or actually kill myself? But what's the point of that? He is abusing me every day, and sometimes he doesn't even have a reason to beat me up.. I can't believe how a parent can have the heart to do that to his own child.

"Gosh, Ji Eun! Stop thinking about him! He is not your father anymore." - I said out loud.
Soon, I could hear the TV getting louder and louder.
He was drunk of course. He completely destroyed himself.
"Mom, can you see this?" - I said to myself as I finished cooking the potatoes and a few slices of meat.
That was all we had for today. Sometimes, I have to hide the food because only God knows how many times a day he eats and if I don't do that, we would starve to death.

My job payment isn't enough to cover all the bills for water, electricity and all the necessary things for us.
I work in a small coffee shop. The owner is a really nice woman, but still. Her statement is not good, too. We are running out of customers almost every day.

I served the meal in a plate and handed it to him.
Then I came back to my room to continue studying. I looked through the window and realized it was already night time and it was getting darker.
"Ji Eun!!!" - there he is.
"Yes, dad?" - I said and tried to look at him and smile. Acting like his personal waiter or something. I don't want to get beaten up again.

"This is empty! Go buy me another one!" - he ordered and I just sighed.
I went to my room and took money that will be enough for a middle-sized bottle, enough for him to spend the night with, because I had to study so he wouldn't bother me after that.
I put my shoes and jacket on and got out of our small apartment.
It was way past midnight so there was only one store opened at this time.

The one that's about thirty meters from here. Who will walk that much?
I was really tired and my legs almost didn't make it.
After twenty minutes which felt like years, I reached the store and went in.
The cashier was talking on the phone while I looked through the shelves, hoping I could find something cheap.

There was this beer that caught my attention. It was cheap and the bottle was big. "Well, it's alcohol, he wouldn't mind." - I said to myself and went to the cashier to pay.
I took the bottle with me and got out of the store.
On my way back, I spotted a familiar face.
The man was signing a song and he could barely stand on his feet.
When he came closer and the lamppost lit up his face, I realized who it was.

"Father?" - I asked in confusion still proceeding that he was here.
I seriously thought he would be at our appartement probably asleep by now. Clearly, I was wrong.
There weren't any people around us which made me relieved because he started yelling.
He then pulled me by my hair and I fell on the ground.

He started kicking me in my shoulders and stomach, swearing and cursing at me.
I curled up in a ball and tried to protect myself as much as I could, as tears were slowly leaving my eyes.
Suddenly, I saw my father falling on the ground. He looked up at who pushed him and I was fixing my gaze on him. He's never been scared like this.

I slowly raised my head up to see a tall guy offering his hand to help. I gulped in pain lowering a bit, but I was okay. If it wasn't for him I'd probably be dead by now.

"Are you okay?" - the guy asked me after I looked up again. This time, I looked directly in his eyes.
I couldn't see much from the dark but I teied to see who he was. When I looked at his hand, something caught my attention.
"That's a weird looking tattoo." - I whispered, almost out of breath and it looked like he didn't hear me.
"Are you okay, miss?" - he said and I nodded, still holding his hand.
After realizing that, I quickly let go.

"Thank you." - I said but he was already gone.
A bit lost in the place, I decided I should just head home. He saved me from my father and I thanked him. There was nothing more to talk about.

I thought about my father on my way back. I really wanted to get him out of my head.
Where did he go? Is he home drinking? Or is he not?

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