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"Um, Jungkook" - I started and broke the silence.
"I was curious, why did you boys and some other students got red uniforms when almost everyone in the college has blue?" - I looked at him and he seemed to be thinking at first, but then he answered.
"I don't know. Maybe they ran out of blue ones so we got red." - he said and played the radio.

I didn't want to ask any more questions and I also didn't know how to start a proper conversation.
Finally we arrived at our apartment cause the silence was killing me.
We got in and headed to our rooms.
I ran first cause I didn't want to go together with him.
I closed my door and jumped on my bed.

"Well, today was.. interesting." - I said to myself and stood up to open my wardrobe and pick some comfy clothes.
I will need to go to Joo's place soon.
Suddenly, I smelled something.
I got downstairs and right to the kitchen.
Jungkook was cooking?
"You know how to cook? You told me you didn't know and made me do it!" - I raised my voice before I knew it myself and then regretted it.

"Calm down. I know how to make ramyeon."
- he said in a calm voice.
Why did I raise my voice like that?
I need to start being nicer to him. The boy didn't do anything to me.
"Are you hungry?" - he asked me and I nodded.
I helped him set the table and then had dinner with him.
"I will be going to my friend's house tonight so we can practice for tomorrow." - I said while eating the food.

"Oh. Then I can invite the boys here so we can practice, too. Are you going alone there? Do you want me to drive you?" - he asked and I shook my head.
"It's okay. I can get a taxi."

I rang the doorbell and Joo opened the door.
"Hey!!" - the girls screamed at me when I entered the house.
"I'm sorry I'm late." - I sat on the couch beside them.
"It's okay, I just arrived too." - MinMin said.
"How were you all doing? I feel like I haven't seen you guys in ages." - I started when we all sat down and Suya and Joo brought drinks.
"We were great. How about you? Anything new in your life?" - HeJi asked and gave me a look.

"If you mean love life, nothing new." - I said and chuckled sarcastically.
"My eyes tell me different." - Hee Ji continued.
What did she mean by that?
"What do you mean?" - I asked innocently.
"Come on, the guy that you were together with? In the black audi?" - she said and now everyone's attention was towards me.

"Pfft, Jungkook? No, he's a total jerk." - I said.
"You sure? You two didn't seem like that."
- Suya said and I immediately changed the topic.
"Anyways, how did you decide to come here?" - I asked curiously.
"Well, we met Areum back in Seoul. We were going out a few times and, when we asked about you she told us how you were here. We discussed it before going to Areum again to tell her our decision and she agreed!"
- MinMin explained.

"Ohh, okay. Now, if we're done drinking, should we start?" - I asked and everyone nodded.
Joo led us to her garage and like I said, it was clean, it could use for a dance practice room.
"Should we get straight to the dance?"
Jungkook's POV
"Namjoon hyung. You can come over to my apartment. Okay, see you." - I hung up and rested my head on the couch.
"As soon as they arrive they' ll ask about her." - I said to myself and stood up to get some artificial blood.

Not too long after, the doorbell rang. I put the glass of blood on the counter and ran to open the door.
"Hi, Jungkook." - Taehyung greeted me as they all got in.
"Hi, guys." - I said closing the door.
"Want something to drink?" - I asked and knew that vampires drink everything but our favorite is the blood.
"No need to. We caught a few half-blood vampires on the street and fed on them.
We brought you some of it." - Jimin hyung said and handed me a bottle.

I put it in the fridge and sat next to them.
"Any news before we start practicing?" - Jin hyung said and we all looked at him.
"I mean, those girls. I don't know if it's just me but there's something strange about them. Especially that Suyang girl. I felt something inside of me when I looked at her." - he said and we all started wondering why that could be.

"I really can't think of anything." - Taehyung said and we nodded in agreement.
"Anyways, Jungkook." - Jin hyung said and turned at me.
"What's up with you and that girl? What was her name.." - he started.
"Ji Eun." - Jimin hyung reminded him.
"Oh right, Ji Eun. I noticed how you were looking at her. Is that the girl Jimin was talking about?" - he asked and gave me a look.

I couldn't lie to them.
"She.. um.. you see.." - I started but didn't know how to continue.
"She's his roommate." - Jimin hyung reminded again.
I'm gonna kill him.
"What?" - Jin hyung said with a dramatic tone.
"How come you never told us she was your roommate?" - Hoseok hyung said and I looked down.

"Besides that, she's also your soulmate."
- Namjoon hyung said and I nodded slowly.
"Will you be able to control yourself in front of her? Cause I know how it is to have a soulmate and you can't help but smell her blood all the time and wish to taste it."
- Hoseok hyung added.

"It's the full moon, soon." - Taehyung said and I stood up from the couch and started walking around the room cause I was nervous.
"I know. I'll come up with a solution, don't worry." - I reassured.
"Now let's start practicing, we don't have much time cause she will be home later. I can't let her see us all here." - I said.
"You didn't tell her we were coming over?"
- Yoongi hyung got in the conversation also waking from his nap.

"I did but, I won't let her be together in a house with five vampires who don't have their soulmates yet." - I said and they chuckled.
"Okay, he's right. We might smell her blood and that won't be good. Let's stretch now and start practicing." - Namjoon hyung stood up and everyone followed.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now