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The annoying alarm woke me up at 7 this morning. Today was.. the 18th of June! The day when I get to go to Ilsan and sign for university.
I really hoped I would get in. I mean, my grades were all good so I hoped there wouldn't be a problem.

I have been dreaming of this day since elementary school and now it was finally here!
Becoming a psychiatrist was my biggest wish and goal in life.
All these things that happened to me because of my dad.. They have made me realize what I wanted to work as for the rest of my life.

People always said I had a good personality and the 'nerves' to deal with every type of person that needed my help.
I can describe myself as a really kind and calm person. The cases where I can explode are really rare and they are mostly happening when someone pisses me off. For example, that can happen to be Areum.

Now, when I mentioned her, I decided to call her.
"Hi, Ji! How are you?" - I said all excited not sure why.
"Ji Eun! I've got news!"
"What is it?"
"I found a girl to test Hoseok!"
"Really? Let's go talk to her then!"

"Where is she? Are you sure we're in the right place?" - I whispered to Areum while turning my gaze to every single bench in the park.
"Of course I'm sure!" - Areum screamed quietly.
"Then where is she?" - I said angrily and hit Areum with my elbow.

"Ouch! Don't hit me!" - she screamed.
"Is that her?" - I asked Ari as I turned my eyes to the girl that was sitting on a bench looking at her phone, probably waiting for someone.
"Yes, that's her!" - Areum confirmed and we slowly approached the girl.
"Hi!" - she raised her head and greeted us. We sat beside her and introduced ourselves.

"Okay. We wanted to hire you to test this guy." - Areum explained.
"You'll be paid." - I added and she smirked.
"What do you want me to do?"

"You're going to have to flirt with him. If he refuses, you will ask who's the girl that he likes. When he tells you, you're just going to leave him and come to us. Okay?" - Areum explained and the girl nodded.
"And don't do anything stupid."
"Got it." - the girl said and we stood up.

We went to the nearest bus station and took the bus.
"Hey, Hoseok! I wanted to ask you, are you in the studio?"
"Okay, I might come and we can practice the new dance. Is that okay?" - she asked and then hung up smiling.
"We're settled." - she said and me and the girl nodded.

We got off the bus and walked couple of minutes before arriving at the dance studio where Hoseok was currently alone, practicing.
"You know what to do." - I said to the girl before she went in.
"And no kissing! If you fail, you won't be paid." - Areum added with a whisper.

The girl nodded and entered the building.
"What are we going to do now?" - Ari asked me and I got an idea.
"Why don't we sit in the cafe? It's right across the building so we will see her when she gets out.
"Okay, let's go."
"What would you like to order?" - the waiter asked us and we looked at each other. Should I order or not?

"One iced americano for me please." - I said and the waiter nodded, writing down my order. Then he looked at Areum.
"I'll get a latte."
"I am so nervous."
"Stop worrying so much! I am sure he likes you back." - I said and smiled, trying to convince her.

"How can I not worry? What if he likes someone else? I'd rather die than see him with another girl." - she said and made my eyes widen in shock.
"Nonsense! I am not letting you go that far for just a random guy. Hoseok isn't the last one left in this world. I can bring you hundreds of men that like you right now." - I said and earned a chuckle from her.
"Okay." - she said and the waiter brought us the orders.
"Thank you."

"What is taking her so long?" - Areum said nervously.
"There she is!" - Areum suddenly screamed and the people in the cafe looked at us.
"Why are you screaming like that? Stop embarrassing me and yourself!" - I whisper yelled.

Areum went out to show her our table.
"Well, I did as you said. How much will you pay?" - she said and I widened my eyes.
"Oh hold on girl, you're not getting anything until we hear everything in detail." - I said and I had an angry look on my face.

"Okay, okay." - the girl said and she finally started.
"I entered the building and asked where his dance practice room is. When they told me, I entered it and saw the guy dancing. I came up with a story of why I'm there and he believed me. I watched him practice the dance a few times and he was so good and also beautiful." - the girl said and Areum hit the table.

"Yah! Tell me what he answered!" - she said and the girl came to her senses.
"Just get to the point. What did he say? Which name?" - I asked the girl and she waited for a bit.
"He said he liked someone named Ji Eun."
- the girl said and I widened my eyes in disbelief. Then, I looked at Areum that was looking at the girl with the 'you must be kidding me' look.

"A-Are you sure he said Ji Eun? Didn't he say Areum? Please think again." - Areum said hoping that the girl was wrong.
How did he like me?
"No, he said Ji Eun." - the girl said again and Areum looked at me.
She left the money for the girl on the table and stood up.
"Ari wait!" - I said and ran after her.

I wouldn't risk losing Areum to a guy.
I chased after her not knowing where she was going. I don't think she did either. We just ran.
After about five minutes of running, Areum stopped to the coast and sat on a bench, staring at the sea.

I slowly approached and sat next to her.
"Look, Areum, I want you to know that I don't have any feelings for"- she stopped me and didn't let me finish.
"I know." - she said and turned to me. She held my hand and continued.
"What I did was wrong. I shouldn't have run away from you. It's not your fault, I am so sorry, Ji. I guess, jealousy took over me for a moment and I didn't think straight." - she said and tears began to form in her eyes.

"No, it's okay. Don't apologize." - I hugged her as a comfort.
I remembered that I had to get some stuff ready for the trip to Ilsan. Gotta get all the folders I have at home so I can sign up for the university.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 1:20 pm and the train was at 3 pm.
"Ari, I forgot to tell you the most important thing. I'm going to Ilsan today to sign up for the university."- I said and her facial expression changed into a happy one.
"Oh my God, Ji Eun! That is great news! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" - she asked almost jumping from happiness.
"Well I wanted to tell you when I called you today but I didn't have the opportunity and then I forgot.." - I said innocently.

"Now I will have to go and get ready cause my train is leaving at 3."
"Okay, wish you the best of luck. And, take care!" - she said while I waved and slowly left her sight.

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