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"Good morning baby." - Jungkoook greeted me from the kitchen.
"Oh, this smells nice." - I said as I put my hands around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What are you making?" - I kissed his cheek.
"Something you wanted to learn a long time ago." - he said and I remembered what was it.

"Really? Then teach me how to do it!" - I said excitedly and he chuckled.
"Can we do that later? Now I wanna make a beautiful breakfast for my beautiful girlfriend. Okay?" - he asked and I smiled.

I sat on the couch in the living room and decided to play some games on my laptop.
"Are you hungry?" - Jungkook asked.
"I'm starving."
"Okay, it'll be done in a few minutes. I'll set the table now."
"Do you need help with that?" - I asked and he hummed a 'nuh-uh'.

"Babe" - he said.
"Do you want to take a pet?" - he asked and I widened my eyes.
"Sure. How did you come up with that?"
"Well, as a child I've always wanted to have a dog, but my parents never really gave me one." - he said and I pouted.

"A dog? I'd prefer a cat." - I said and chuckled.
"A cat? Why a cat? I think the dog is a better pet than the cat."

"No no no. The cat is a better pet than the dog. I don't want it eating my shoes and pooping everywhere." - I said.
"And I don't want the cat scratching the furniture. Plus, I already have one cat. A really bad cat." - he said and I smirked.

"Oh really? Do you want that cat to teach you a lesson for being a bad dog?" - he was about to open the fridge when I trapped him with my hands.
"I would love to." - he said while lifting me up and now I was sitting on the counter.

I placed my hands behind his neck and leaned forward to give him a peck near his lips.
"Don't be a tease." - he said and I made my way to the couch.

"You deserve it. And don't get turned on." - I winked and he chuckled.
"It's easy for you to say." - he grabbed my thighs making me fall on the soft carpet, under the table with him.

"That hurts." - I said and rubbed my butt.
"Stop being a cry baby and enjoy the moment." - he said but I wanted to tease him more.

"What moment idiot?"
"This moment." - he closed the distance between us and smashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was soft and soothing.
I broke it, trying to catch my breath.

"That was my first kiss, under the table. How fun."
"Wrong. Second one. And you just had to whine about it. How great." - he said.

"Kook." - I started but he interrupted me.
"Oh shut up and let me kiss you again"
"Jungkook no. The fucking breakfast."
"Forget about it, you're the real snack here."
- he said and kissed me again.
"Ew, pervert." - I said and he smiled.

"You'll pay for being a naughty girl tonight. Just you wait." - he said and was about to kiss me again when the doorbell rang and we heard the door opening.

"Hey guys!" - we heard Seokjin and our friends yell as we saw them enter the kitchen.
"Wha" - Taehyung froze.
"Yah, Ji Eun! I told you not to lose your virginity! It's too early for that!" - Areum yelled.

Jungkook got off of me and helped me stand up.
"Yah, I didn't lose it.." - I said and Jungkook came back to making his breakfast.
"Not yet." - he said and smirked and I hit his hand.
"You guys are totally not the couple to be left alone. You're too wild." - Jimin said and everyone laughed.

"How did you even come in? Have you heard of knocking before?" - I asked them and Suya showed me a spare key.
"How did you even get that?"
"Jungkook gave it to us." - Seokjin said and Jungkook jumped in surprise.

"What! Why would I even give you the key of my house if I want to be alone with my girl?"
- Jungkook said and I rolled my eyes.
"Ah, whatever. If you want to come next time, you should call us. Come and sit." - I said and gestured them to the living room.

"That's why we're here. To prevent you from doing things you shouldn't." - Seokjin said.
"Yah, forget about that now. Areum, MinMin? You guys are okay?" - I asked, referring to what happened yesterday.

"That's not the right question. How's your wound?" - Areum asked and looked at my stomach.
"Better." - I said.

"We brought snacks." - Taehyung said and the boys put three bags of snacks on the table.
"Wow. Are you sure that's not much for fourteen people?" - I chuckled.
"It's just enough." - Namjoon said.
"And let's count on this like our unfinished picnic from weeks ago." - Jimin said.

"You guys had breakfast yet?" - Jungkook asked and everyone said they did.
"Can I ask you something?" - I said.
"Would you prefer having a cat or a dog?"
- I asked and Jungkook chuckled.
The girls said dog and the boys said cat.
"I guess it's even." - Jungkook muttered.

"Are you getting a pet?" - Yoongi asked.
"Jungkook mentioned it this morning, so I agreed." - I said.
"And you can't decide." - Hoseok added.

"Why not get both?" - Yuna suggested and that wasn't a bad idea.
"Nice." - Jungkook said and finished setting the table.
"Anyone who's hungry, join us." - I said as I me and Jungkook sat down.

"You guys eat, and then we can move on with the snacks." - Hee Ji said.

After a few hours of eating and having fun with our friends, they decided to leave.

"Thanks for coming guys!" - I said and was about to close the door.
"And try to tell us when you plan to visit again!" - Jungkook yelled and I chuckled.

"So, where were we?" - he said with a husky voice and took me in his arms.
"Hmm, I don't know. I wanna watch a movie and cuddle. Please?" - I made a puppy face and he put me on the bed.

"Alright, cupcake. Everything you want."
- we chose the movie and soon, I fell asleep on his lap.

I was concentrating on the lecture and looking at my biology teacher when I felt a hand on my thigh.

"Jungkook!" - I whispered.
"Yes babe?"
"Stop." - I said but he didn't listen and continued stroking my thigh while looking at the teacher.

His fingers traveled down my stomach and when he was about to go lower he moved to my leg again.

"Jungkook stop it. Not now." - I said and he chuckled.
"This is your punishment for falling asleep on my lap last night."

"So you got turned on with me sleeping on your lap?" - I hardly held myself from laughing. Then he removed his hand from my thigh.

I thought he wouldn't continue cause he didn't make a move for almost a minute.
"Payback time." - he said and continued what he was doing.
And I couldn't control myself anymore.

"Looks like someone's turning on. Aw baby. You don't have to sweat and pant. This is not even the beginning of the punishment." - he said.
"Ms. Young, can I use the restroom please?"
- I said, my voice cracking on the end.

I shot Jungkook a death glare and left the classroom.

As I was washing my face and trying to calm down, I felt something in my pocket.
I took out a small paper that said
"Janitor's closet, after biology class."

I chuckled when I finished reading what he wrote.

Biology was one of the two classes me and Jungkook had together.
He had the rest of his schedule in the 707 floor.

I heard the bell ring and went to my classroom.
"What happened with you? Is it something with your wound that you had to rush out the class like that?" - Yuna asked me and I stayed silent.

Well Mr. Needy, you'll have to wait a little.

I chuckled at my thought.

Yah. Don't get too wild. You're in school.

I rolled my eyes after hearing my subconscious.

After a five minute break, my math teacher entered the classroom.

"Let's wait for this boring class to be over."
- I murmured and opened my book.

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