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"Oh God, you're too fast." - I panted hard and sat on the couch.
"Ha, I told you! You can never catch a vampire."
"Seriously, how can you run so fast?" - I said just to trick him.
And as I wanted, he sat next to me on the couch.

"Got ya now!" - I yelled and stood up to run.
"Yah! That's cheating!" - he said and we laughed.
"Who's the one who runs fast now?" - I said and stopped at the kitchen.
I wanted to confuse him and ran to the living room again.
This time, he tricked me easily and I found him standing next to me.
"You better run." - he said and before I made my first step, he gave me a back hug.

"Got you." - he said and we collapsed on the couch.
"Well, that was fun." - I said.
"Yeah. We should do it more often."
"What else can you do?" - I asked him and he didn't expect this question.
"Hmm. What do you know?"
"Well, I know that you can change eye colors to express your feelings, and now I know that you have super speed. And the strength I guess." - I said and waited for him to continue.

"We have great sight, smell, hearing, and taste. We also have a healing power. If we get injured, our skin heals in minutes. Sometimes we can heal humans too." - he said and I remembered something.
"Were you the one who healed me when that happened?" - I said, referring to the night at the 707 floor.

"Yes." - he said and I nodded.
"What else? Can you change into a bat?"
- I asked.
"No." - he chuckled.
"But we can read human's minds and hear their thoughts." - I widened my eyes.
"That's so cool!" - I said.

"We have attractiveness." - he said and winked.
"Um, sure." - I said to tease him.
"What? You think I'm not attractive?"
"No it's not that.." - I smiled.

"I think the only ones attractive are the vampires from Twilight." - I said and he chuckled in annoyance.
"Have you seen me?" - he said and came closer to me.
"Not really." - I said.
"Then how can you judge me before seeing what I'm like?" - he came towards me and I started going backwards til I was in a laying position.

Now it was harder for me to breathe.
"W-What are you doing.." - I said with unsure voice as he laid his body on mine.
"Let's stay like this for a minute." - he said and stared at my eyes.
He's so perfect. Boyfriend material. A guy every girl wants.

I can't be falling in love with you, Jungkook.

"Okay, I think a minute passed." - I said and pushed him off me, causing him to fall on the floor.
"Ow! Why do I always have to fall on the floor?" - he yelled and I ran upstairs.

"Hey there!" - I greeted the girls as me and Jungkook got in our classroom, holding hands.
"There's the best couple!" - Jimin yelled purposely and came to hug us.
"What happened last night?" - Areum asked me and the girls gathered around.
"Something we missed?" - Yuna said and I smiled.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else? It's a really serious thing and bring your holy waters when we do so." - I said and they started questioning each other what could be so important.
The class was now over, and it was time to tell the girls the truth.
I talked with Jungkook this morning and he said I could tell the girls about them.

"So, what's the important thing?" - Hee Ji said impatiently.
"Suya even brought holy water." - MinMin said and I looked at Suya's hand in disbelief.
"It's about the boys. Let's go to the rooftop." - I said and I could hear the girls chatting behind me.
"The rooftop? Man, this must be really serious." - I heard Joo whisper.

"We're listening." - Areum said and I took a deep breath.
"Do you want us to die here? Say it."
- Yuna said and I nodded.
"Okay. You know how we were at the 707 floor right?"
"And the reason I screamed there was because I was attacked by a vampire. Jungkook saved me that night." - they all nodded.

"That night, I was bitten."
"By the vampire?"
"Yes. And my bite was on my wrist. Do you see it now?" - I showed them my hand and they shook their heads.
"It's because Jungkook healed it. And no human has that ability or power to heal a bite mark in seconds." - they gasped.
"And remember how our aunt told us about the full moon?" - I continued.

"It was last night. And from Ari's house, I went to my apartment at midnight. To check if that person was a vampire." - I said and they started thinking.
"Wait, Jungkook?" - Suya said and I nodded.
"The boys are vampires." - they left their mouths open.

"Are you sure?" - Joo asked and I nodded.
"Jungkook was really nervous last night cause he didn't expect me to be home. He didn't want me home. But I surprised him. And then, he couldn't hold back anymore."
"Then what happened?" - Yuna asked.
"He attacked me, his eyes turned dark red."
"When a vampire is ready to suck all your blood." - MinMin said, remembering our aunt telling us about the eye colors.

"Did he bite you?"
"Just like what happened with my aunt and uncle. He didn't bite me. He tended to, but couldn't." - I said.
"We must go to my aunt's house after school. I have a few questions for her." - I said and we left the rooftop.

Someone's POV
I saw Ji Eun and her friends, secretly going to the rooftop so I followed them.

Let's see what you're up to.

I hid quickly and listened to their conversation.
I couldn't understand at first, but then everything was clear.
"Here's the important news. The boys are vampires." - I heard her say and I gasped.
The boys? Her boyfriend and his friends?
"This must go viral right now."

Ji Eun's POV
"Did you reserve that apartment for me on purpose?" - I asked my aunt after she brought the tea.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean auntie. I know everything." - I said.

"Everything? Is it" - I stopped her.
"Yes. We know who the boys really are."
- the girls nodded with my statement.
"Now, my question. Did you reserve that apartment on purpose? Did you know that Jungkook was a vampire?" - I said and silence filled the room.

"Yes." - she said quietly and I looked at her in disbelief.
"I had to. Your uncle was the one that had every contact with the vampire society and, since he passed away, I was the only one they could trust so they told me everything." - the girls looked at her confused.

"Even now?" - Areum asked and my aunt nodded.
"Since I'm telling you everything now, and you're old enough to understand.. you need to know the truth about your mom." - just when she mentioned that my eyes filled with tears.

"Your mom didn't die from a disease when you were a kid."
"Instead?" - I couldn't hold my tears anymore. The girls pat my shoulders.
"She died when she gave birth to you." - my aunt said and only my sobs could be heard now.

"Why?" - I asked and waited for answers.
"Your dad isn't your real dad." - my aunt said and I couldn't say a word now.
"What do you mean her dad is not her dad?"
- MinMin asked.

"Your mom was in love with a vampire. That's how she got pregnant with you. Your real father disappeared when he found out he would be a dad. So your mom lived with your fake dad just because she wanted to protect you. She didn't want you to get involved in the vampire world."- my aunt said and all I could do was cry.

"If the fetus isn't removed on time, it will grow in the belly of the human and the human dies.
It was either you or your mom. And she chose you." - my aunt finished and I ran outside the house.

The girls wanted to go after me but my aunt stopped them.
"It's better for her to be alone." - I heard her say.

I took the car keys from the table and ran out of the house.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now